Framework BoardGames v0.5.0
to create new board games such Chess, Checkers, ...etc
by Charif Achraf [Celrati](https://github.com/celrati)&& Oussama aouessar [Aizen93](https://github.com/Aizen93)
e1 e3 : move the piece from box e1 to box e3
do o-o : castle king side
do o-o-o : castle queen side
do restart : restart the game
do abort : abort the game
do save : saves the game into a file save.oc
do load : loads the game from save.oc
- Affichage des plateaux en version texte (terminal) et graphics
- Joue d'un coup a tour de role entre 2 joueurs
- Refus d'un coup si les regles ne sont pas respectés
- Affichage de l'aide avec la liste des coups possible a jouer
- Sauvegarde de partie (uniquement avec joueur vs joueur)
- Chargement d'une partie sauvegarder ou un fichier avec une liste de commande a jouer
- Possibilité de jouer contre une Intelligence artificiel aleatoire
- Les conditions d'arret d'un jeu (le jeu s'arrete quand un joueur a gagné selon les regles)
- 4 jeux au total ont été faite (Chess, Shatranj, Dansany chess, et checkers)
do: $> ./startGame.sh
the graphics are python scripts, to open them go to folder /Graphics/Classical[Your name game]Graphics
and do: $> python start.py
- Follow the steps bellow : 1 - create your pieces inside the Pieces folder
2 - add conditions to the PieceFactory inside Pieces/PieceFactory just do the same as the others pieces and just change the twochar that will represent your pieces
3 - add the #include of your pieces class inside the Pieces/PieceFactory !! important
4 - implement your board inside the games/boards folder just respect the same architecure as the ChessBoard !
5 - implement your game inside the games/boards folder just respect the same architecture as the ChessGame !
6 - think of create new method "writeToFileChecker" inside the pipe/OutpurWriter.hpp and use it for your classes
7 - implement your rule inside the games/rule folder just respect the same architecture as the ChessRule ! you must implements the check and checkAll methods of your ruler soo the imputReader can use them perfectly
8 - inside the files think of create initBoardChecker and use it to init your board inside your Board
9 - CheckerGame::launchGame(); implements this method inside your game and use it in the router
10 - to test the game just uncomment the Router::get("chckerGame"); and comment the others
11 - for the interface you will find everything inside the Graphics folder
create new folder CheckerChessGraphics inside the Graphics and code the script in python
to test it $> python start.py