To extract bert embedding from text, we just want to get the embedding by bert.
Bert as service is not suitable for my work requirement.
from github list and google, the most related ones.
( including some out of date method to give a whole description ) you can use it by:
pip install bert-embedding
[It will probably the first one appearing in the related list. However ,it is deprecated because the author has no time to maintain it, its output shows some unreasonable points.]
eg. an issue in bert-embedding
When using
bert_embedding = BertEmbedding(model='bert_12_768_12', dataset_name='wiki_cn')
res = bert_embedding(u'火箭险胜勇士')
There comes 2 [UNK] for each Chinese character, like this:
[(['[UNK]', '火', '[UNK]'], ...)]
and it is followed by 3 768-dimension arrays.
Which one is exactly the word embedding for "火"?
The author doesn't give answer for this.
- Implemented by tensorflow
- Suitable for industrial use
- Easy to use
- Based on bert as service
- Implemented by tensorflow
- This is one tutorial for getting embedding from Chris McCormick and Nick Ryan.
- Very simple and easy to scan.
- The original version is jupyternook, I do some minor changes for my chinese usage, maybe you can download in this repository directly.