The goal of this level is to find the first job or freelance gig
Link icons: 📖 Official Docs 🎬 Video 📄 Article 🔠 Course
Topic | Examples |
Routing Advanced | |
Route Model Binding | web.php ClientController.php |
Route Redirect | web.php |
Middleware | |
Create Custom Middleware Class | TermsAccepted.php web.php |
Database Advanced | |
Database Seeders and Factories | /seeders /factories |
Eloquent Query Scopes | Filter.php |
Polymorphic relationships | Spatie Media Library |
Eloquent Accessors and Mutators | User.php Client.php |
Eloquent Collections | UserController.php |
Soft Deletes | User.php UserController.php |
Auth Advanced | |
Authorization: Roles/Permissions, Gates, Policies | 📖 TaskController.php |
Authorization: Extra Packages - Spatie Permission, Bouncer, etc | User.php web.php tasks/index.blade.php |
Authentication: Email Verification | User.php |
File Uploads Advanced | MediaController.php |
Extra Packages: Spatie Medialibrary, Intervention Image, etc | MediaController.php Project.php |
API Basics | 🔠 How to Create Laravel API |
API Routes and Controllers | ClientController.php api.php |
Working with API Clients: Postman or Alternatives | 📖 Postman API Client |
API Eloquent Resources | ClientResource.php |
API Auth with Sanctum | api.php User.php web.php |
API Error Handling and Status Codes | Handler.php |
Debugging Errors | |
Log Files in Laravel | 📖 Logging |
Try-Catch and Laravel Exceptions | ClientController.php |
Local Debugging Tools: Debugbar, Telescope, Ray | 📖 barryvdh/laravel-debugbar 📖 Laravel Telescope 📖 Spatie Ray (Premium Tool) 🎬 Debug Eloquent Queries from API: Laravel Telescope 🎬 Spatie Ray: Laravel Debugging with Pleasure |
Customizing Error Pages and Messages | 📖 /errors : |
(optional) Third Party Bug Trackers: Bugsnag, Flare, Sentry, Rollbar | 📖 Bugsnag Laravel 📖 Flare Homepage 📖 Sentry Laravel 📖 Rollbar Laravel 🎬 Bug Tracking in Laravel: Bugsnag vs Flare [Demo/Review] |
Sending Email | |
Mailables and Mail Facade | TaskAssigned.php TaskController.php assigned.blade.php |
Configure Drivers/Services: Mailgun, Mailtrap, etc | 📄 How to Send Email From Laravel, and Why We Need 3rd Party Providers For It 📖 Mail: Drivers Prerequisites |
Notifications System: Email, SMS, Slack, etc. | TaskAssigned.php TaskController |
Automated Testing with PHPUnit | |
Configure Testing Database and Test CRUD Operations | /Feature |
Deployment and Version Control | |
Git Version Control | 📖 Git 🎬 Git in Laravel. Part 1 - Branches: Main, Develop and Feature |
Deployment on Live Servers | 📖 Deployment 📄 How to Deploy Laravel Projects to Live Server: The Ultimate Guide 📄 What Server is Needed to Deploy Laravel Projects 🎬 How we Deploy Laravel: Branches, Staging Servers, Forge and Envoyer |
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