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Version 1.19.0

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@AgustinSRG AgustinSRG released this 19 Oct 11:09


  • Fixed bug where the encoder was dropping unnamed subtitles and audio tracks from MKV files
  • Added progress indication when uploading subtitles and audio tracks
  • New feature: Ability to rename audio tracks and subtitles.
  • Improved usability by adding progress indications where they were not present.
  • Improved usability by allowing dropping files in file selection forms where it was not possible before.
  • Improved MediaSession API support, including seeking actions.
  • Simplified extra resolutions editor, displaying only smaller ones than original.
  • Improved APIs to update extended description and image notes, to return the new asset URL as response, so full reload is not needed.
  • Docker: Improved Docker image build workflow to build multi-platform images. Currently for: linux/amd64 and linux/arm64.


Linux with DEB package support

For apt-compatible Linux distributions, we provide a DEB package:

Version Arch Download Hash Hash alg.
1.19.0 amd64 Drive
7eed7287dd3ae03b181a02275e10ddc165d52d4e5d43313f0fc204bc114d875d SHA256

Download it, and check its integrity using:

sha256sum ./personalmediavault_1.19-0.deb

Then, install it using apt:

sudo apt install ./personalmediavault_1.19-0.deb

After the installation, the binary files will be available in /usr/bin, and the frontend files will be available in /usr/lib/pmv/www.

To run a vault, type:

pmv /path/to/vault

You can change the language the launcher uses setting the PMV_LANGUAGE environment variable to en or es.


For Windows, we provide a MSI installer:

Version Arch Language Download Hash
1.19.0 x64 English Mega SHA256: 51EFAB3CC196B3068AEEDE001A7A8A8C9F53C021D0891DE9827FDA279E2B2CA6
1.19.0 x64 Spanish Mega SHA256: F3A31846A72172C9A90AD7B742F2233DB12A2A38E35213723B17E2E6F7F269CC

In order to install Personal Media Vault in Windows, run the installer and everything will be set up for the application to work.

When downloading the MSI installer, check the file hash with PowerShell to make sure the file was not modified:

Get-FileHash -Path "PersonalMediaVault-1.19.0-x64.msi" -Algorithm SHA256
Get-FileHash -Path "PersonalMediaVault-1.19.0-x64-es.msi" -Algorithm SHA256

After it's installed, create an empty folder to store your media vault and right click it. You should see a new option "Open with PersonalMediaVault". Click it to run the vault launcher.


You can run this project with docker, using the official image uploaded to Docker Hub.

In order to pull the image, type:

docker pull asanrom/pmv

To run a personal media vault instance, you can create a container, which is going to run the backend binary inside it.

Here is an example command to create a container:

docker run -p 80:80 -v /path/to/the/vault:/vault -e VAULT_INITIAL_USER=admin -e VAULT_INITIAL_PASSWORD=admin asanrom/pmv --daemon --clean --log-requests --vault-path /vault

You can replace /path/to/the/vault for the path where you have your vault stored.

For empty vaults, a default admin, with password admin will be created. You can also override them by changing the environment variables VAULT_INITIAL_USER and VAULT_INITIAL_PASSWORD respectively. You should change the password as soon as you first login into your vault to protect it with a strong password.

For more options, run:

docker run asanrom/pmv --help