REST API service for a Flutter eBook reader and marketplace application. It is built with .NET 6.0 and utilizes MySQL and RabbitMQ.
Before using the source code, ensure you have the following installed and configured
- .NET 6 SDK (Includes the ASP.NET Core Runtime)
Furthermore, you should have the following services running
- MySQL Server (v8.0 or newer)
- RabbitMQ (v3.11 or newer)
- Docker (if you intend to run this inside of a container)
Clone the repository and change into the repo
git clone && cd wordsmith-api
Afterwards, you need to open compose.yml and set any required environment variables, particularly the PayPal client and secret. All of the others should already be preconfigured and working with their defaults.
If you are running this outside of a Docker container, check for the env vars in appsettings.json.
For info regarding all the available environment variables, see .environment.vars.
# Admin account
Username: orwell47
Password: default$123
PayPal email: [email protected]
PayPal password: default$123
# Normal user account
Username: john_doe1
Password: default$123
PayPal email: [email protected]
PayPal password: default$123
# Seller user acount (will have published books)
Username: jane_doe2
Password: default$123
PayPal email: [email protected]
PayPal password: default$123
# Email account (for viewing emails sent through the CommunicationsRelay, uses the dummy SMTP server from Ethereal)
Login URL:
Email: [email protected]
Password: C4Ehka3xkyD3qdS1uM
To build the necessary images and run the provided compose.yml, simply run the following command
docker compose up
The API and Identity Server should be listening on ports 6443 and 7443 respectively. The containers use a self-signed certificate for test purposes to facilitate SSL encryption.
Note: Check compose.yml to see if you need to set any environment variables explicitly!
Run the following commands to start both the API and the Identity Server. These will restore all dependencies, build and run the applications.
dotnet run --project Wordsmith.API -c Debug
dotnet run --project Wordsmith.IdentityServer -c Debug
The API and Identity Server should be listening on ports 6000/6443 and 7000/7443 respectively.
Note: Check the appsettings.json file of each app to see if you need to set any environment variables explicitly!
OpenAPI documentation is located at localhost:6443/swagger by default if running a Debug configuration.
Some of the projects and/or subfolders will contain separate README files that give a general overview and better document what they do.
For testing purposes, it is recommended to use Postman for a more comprehensive experience.
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0. For more information on, read the LICENSE file. In short, do whatever you want as this is a university project.