spotifyd in docker.
Using only in docker-compose as service with specify volumes cause this image has not an entrypoint:
image: spotifyd
context: .
- /dev/snd
restart: unless-stopped
command: spotifyd --config-path /etc/spotifyd.conf --no-daemon
docker buildx --tag addovej/spotifyd:latest --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v6 --push
DockerHub image: addovej/spotifyd:latest
A config file example in official documentation of spotifyd.
You can use it and specify this file as volume in a compose file like this: - /path/to/spotifyd.conf:/etc/spotifyd.conf
I'm use this image as base just to copy spotifyd binary in my image to decrease building time. Don't use it if you not sure.
For contact to me:
Telegram: @addovej
Email: [email protected]