A library using variational autoencoders to generate sentences. The repo contains two models for doing this: the Bowman model and the Prototype and Edit model. For in-depth information about this work please read thesis.pdf.
pip install tensorflow
pip install tensorflow-probability
pip install nltk
Both models require a file containing word embeddings. This path must be specified in the config file. Both files also require three files in tsv format: train, test and valid containing the data to train and evaluate the model.
Set of sentences separated by new lines.
A set of pairs of sentences: a source sentence and a target sentence which are separated with a tab. Each pair of sentences is separated with a new line.
python -m bowman.main
python -m pe_model.main
python -m bowman.interact
There are a number of functions in the interact file than can be used to perform different tasks with the trained model.