- .nvimrc
- .zshrc
- .gitconfig
- .tmux.conf
- One key installation. Simply run
$ ./
No framework (particularly, oh-my-zsh). Control everything yourself.
Cold start with package manager.
- vim-plug for [neovim] (
- zgen for zsh
Everyone (should) has his/her own work flow. My nvimrc fits best for my own.
- Use neovim as tmux (unless you want to run program on remote servers after you log off.)
- Use tab (:tabedit) instead of window.
- The only time to split a new window is when you want to open a terminal (:term), or sometime when you watn to compare code.
- Tab is used intensively. So tab switching deserves a hotkey
to move to the left or right tabCtrl+Alt+h
to move current tab to left or right
- Never leave your hjkl
- Exit commandmode, insertmode, terminalmode, back to normal mode using
for visual mode instead) Alt+h
to move to line begin or line end (this also work for visual mode, and my zshrc also has binding to make this work for terminalmode)ctrl+j
to move to the next or previous blank line (the same in visual mode)ctrl+j
bind to or in command mode and terminal mode
- Exit commandmode, insertmode, terminalmode, back to normal mode using
- For git repo.
is bind toFiles
command - (normal)
is bind toBTags
Use nerdtree
see below
to open new shell in vertical window, horizontal window, or a new tab- Exit terminal mode and switch to other window with
(bind to vim'sCtrl+w
to unfold<Space>
to open directory in nerdtree
- Open neovim with nerdtree
$ nvim .
- Open file from nerdtree in new tab with
key - Unfold directory in nerdtree with
- In nerdtree, change working directory by moving cursor to the directory and press
(usually, I will then open a vertical shell and then do something in the working directory) - Working directory automatically changes when you switch between tabs
- To execute shell commands, enter terminal mode in a vertical split window with
- To have two shells in a tab, split a new horizontal shell with
- Have a shell in a new tab with