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Python modules for analyzing LJ40K emotion data

System flow

feelit flow

Training: batch/

perform SVM training for LJ40K

  1. usage [-h] [-k NFOLD] [-o OUTPUT_NAME] 
    						[-e EMOTION_IDS] [-c C] [-g GAMMA] [-t TEMP_DIR] 
    						[-n] [-v] [-d] 
    positional arguments:
    	feature_list_file   This program will fuse the features listed in this
                        	file and feed all of them to the classifier. The file
                        	format is in JSON. See "feautre_list_ex.json" for
    optional arguments:
    	-h, --help          show this help message and exit
    	-k NFOLD, --kfold NFOLD
                        	k for kfold cross-validtion. If the value less than 2,
                        	we skip the cross-validation and choose the first
                        	parameter of -c and -g (DEFAULT: 10)
    	-o OUTPUT_NAME, --output_file_name OUTPUT_NAME
                        	path to the output file in csv format (DEFAULT:
    	-e EMOTION_IDS, --emotion_ids EMOTION_IDS
                        	a list that contains emotion ids ranged from 0-39
                        	(DEFAULT: 0). This can be a range expression, e.g.,
    	-c C                SVM parameter (DEFAULT: 1). This can be a list
                        	expression, e.g., 0.1,1,10,100
    	-g GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
                        	RBF parameter (DEFAULT: 1/dimensions). This can be a
                        	list expression, e.g., 0.1,1,10,100
    	-t TEMP_DIR, --temp_output_dir TEMP_DIR
                        	output intermediate data of each emotion in the
                        	specified directory (DEFAULT: not output)
    	-n, --no_scaling      do not perform feature scaling (DEFAULT: False)       
    	-v, --verbose       show messages
    	-d, --debug         show debug messages
  2. notes

    • The example file resides in batch/feature_list_ex.json feature_list_file is in JSON format. Here is an example:

           	"feature": "TFIDF_TSVD300",
               "train_dir": "adir/bdir",
               "test_file": "cdir/ddir/TFIDF_TSVD.test.npz"
               "feature": "keyword",
               "train_dir": "adir/bdir",
               "test_file": "cdir/ddir/keyword.test.npz"
    • Use example:

       python -k 10 -e 0-39 -o output.csv -c 1,10,100,1000 -v feature_list_ex.json
       python -k 10 -e 0-39 -o output.csv -c 10,30,70,100,300,700,1000 -g 0.0001,0.0003,0.001,0.003,0.01,0.1 -t temp_dir -v TFIDF_TSVD300.json

Data: example script for generating 'pattern40'

"pattern40" is the data that sum up the personal event arrays for each sample. The following script will fetch data from a MongoDb and save them into the input format of our training program.

>> python ~/projects/data/MKLv2/2000samples_4/pattern40_all.npz
>> python -b 0 -e 800 -p random_idx.pkl -s -x .train.npz -d ~/projects/data/MKLv2/2000samples    _4/pattern40_all.npz ~/projects/data/MKLv2/2000samples_4/train/pattern40/800p800n_Xy/pattern40.800p800n_Xy
>> python -b 800 -e 1000 -d ~/projects/data/MKLv2/2000samples_4/pattern40_all.npz ~/projects/data/MKLv2/2000samples_4/test_8000/pattern40/full.Xy/pattern40.full.Xy.test.npz

Programming: feelit/

  1. Load features from files

    >> from feelit.features import LoadFile
    >> lf = LoadFile(verbose=True)
    >> lf.loads(root="../emotion_imgs_threshold_1x1_rbg_out_amend/out_f1", data_range=800)
    >> lf.dump(path="data/image_rgb_gist.Xy", ext=".npz")
  2. Load features from mongodb

    >> from feelit.features import FetchMongo
    >> fm = FetchMongo(verbose=True)
    >> fm.fetch_transform('TFIDF', '53a1921a3681df411cdf9f38', data_range=800)
    >> fm.dump(path="data/TFIDF.Xy", ext=".npz")
  3. Fuse loaded features

    >> from feelit.features import Fusion
    >> fu = Fusion(verbose=True)
    >> fu.loads(a1, a2, ...)
    >> fu.fuse()
    >> fu.dump()
  4. Train, Cross-validation and Test

    >> from feelit.features import Learning
    >> learner = Learning(verbose=args.verbose, debug=args.debug) 
    >> learner.set(X_train, y_train, feature_name)
    >> scores = {}
    >> for C in Cs:
    >> 	for gamma in gammas:
    >> 		score = learner.kFold(kfolder, classifier='SVM', 
    >>							kernel='rbf', prob=False, 
    >>							C=c, scaling=True, gamma=gamma)
    >>		scores.update({(c, gamma): score})
    >> best_C, best_gamma = max(scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
    >> learner.train(classifier='SVM', kernel='rbf', prob=True, C=best_C, gamma=best_gamma, 
    >>				scaling=True, random_state=np.random.RandomState(0))
    >> results = learner.predict(X_test, yb_test, weighted_score=True, X_predict_prob=True, auc=True)