This is an Android News App that provides users with up-to-date news articles and allows searching, saving, and viewing news efficiently.
- Home Screen: Displays all news articles in a fragment.
- Pagination: Implements smooth loading of news articles.
- Full Article View: Opens full articles in a WebView.
- Search Functionality: Allows users to search news by topic in a separate fragment.
- Save Articles: Users can save important news articles to the local database (Room).
- Navigation Component with Safe Args.
- LiveData for reactive programming.
- Retrofit for making network requests.
- Room Database for local data storage.
- Fragments for modular UI design.
- Bottom Navigation View for seamless navigation.
- Users can search for news articles by topic name, view them in WebView, and save their favorite articles locally.
- Retrofit is used to fetch news data from a REST API, and Room Database stores saved articles in the app for offline access.