There has been a lot of work on COVID19 social media data but little done on Arabic Data sets on extract information,analysis and classification of these data sets. In this current work we choose to work with Arabic data which contain amazing features and challenging nature. Arabic language is the fifth most spoken language in the entire world. Arabic language is the fourth language on internet. Arabic language is very challenging language to work with because it contains diacritics that can change the meaning of the sentence. Arabic language has a difficult grammar structure than non Arabic languages. There are other challenges when dealing with Arabic language for example sentences written different grammatically has different meaning despite using similar words.
In this work we have passed through different stages from collection tweets to processing of the tweets, analysis these tweets, and lastly to classify these tweets on Coronavirus and general tweets to demonstrate that weets collected based on some keywords like [كورونا, الصين, تفشى, السفر] , and other words, based on the different analysis and models,we have seen that more than 55% of these tweets are talking about other topics, not on the Coronavirus.
We have used the research paper of Large Arabic Twitter Dataset on COVID-19 by Sarah Alqurashi, Ahmad Alhindi, Eisa Alanazi, which lead us to the repo COVID-19-Arabic-Tweets-Dataset that have the tweets ids.
After that we used the twitter developer account that we have to collect these tweets text from the tweet Id they provide and we have collected more than 3,000,000 tweets overall from about 4,000,000.
Spending some times to analysis the tweets content like themost repeated words and the similar words, this time spendingwith the analysing of the data help us in the pre-processing phase and besides it help us to to choose the models that canfit within the training, and get a good result in the testing phase using the weights of the models we have trained.
From collecting data to the stage of pre-processing thesedata, then label more than 15,000 tweets to class 0 for general tweets and 1 for Coronavirus tweets then use machine learningmodels to classify the whole large data set.The data comes in different ways, and the way we getthe data in have some of the other information that we arenot interested in, in our case of tweets text, it may containa lot of different URLs, which can cause error while themodel learning, others like diacritics which related to ourmain problem in Arabic language, and the tweet we get fromTwitter API is raw tweet. So we have:
- Remove Diacritics
- Remove punctuation and URLs
- Normalize the Text
And we can see the code and report associated with this part of work from here:
We have used three machine learning models to classify the data setwhich are random forest, SVC and logistic regression. Weannotate 15000 tweets using two classes annotation 0 and1. We compare our results between the three models afterfine-tuning the parameters in different floods first using theCross-validation for 5 floods then we have tested our last chosen Logistic Regression model as it gives the best trade-off between the most common problems in machine learning overfitting and underfitting to get more than 91% while it wasmore than 93% on different floods which were different in 2%out of overfitting and underfitting because of high predictionscore, and our results show that the classification AI modelsprove our idea that there is more than 55% of the tweets arenot related to COVID19.
Model | Features Engineering | On Training | On Testing |
Logistic Regression | TF-IDF | 93.6% | 91.8 |
Logistic Regression | word2vec | 90.1% | 86.2% |
Random Forest | TF-IDF | 99.7% | 92.7% |
Random Forest | word2vec | 99.9% | 85.2% |
SVC | TF-IDF | 98.6% | 92.7% |
SVC | word2vec | 89% | 84.9% |
K-Means | TF-IDF | 68.8% | 67.3% |
K-Means | word2vec | 46% | 46% |
And we can see the machine learning models and weights from here:
In this work we introduce our cleaning, analysis,Classification and clustering on a large Arabic data set. wenoticed that large percentage of the data set is not related to COVID 19. To prove your conclusion using machine learning models we made pre-processing to the data set. We did someanalysis to the tweets like frequency count where we countthe frequency of repetition of each word in the tweets. Usingthis analysis we were able to get some insights from the dataset. We have manually annotated 15000 tweets randomly fromthe data set and annotated them highly related to COVID1 tweets and non-related to COVID19 tweets to test our hypo-sisthat many tweets are not related to COVID19 we used threemachine learning models random forest, SVC and logisticregression. We got working models with good results thisshows more than 55% of the data set is not related toCOVID19 but only uses similar worlds that is related toCOVID19. We also applied a clustering technique to verifyour hypo-sis using k-means classification we reached 70%accuracy which is affected by similar words but prove ourhypo-sis that their is a large portion of the data set is nothighly related to COVID19 and additional pre-processing stepis required to work with such data sets that relay on relatedwords to collect data set. Future work will include sentimentanalysis for the highly related tweets.