Traits for the vectors in glam.
There are traits for the following characteristics:
- "Any"
- Signed
- Float
- Int
- Signed int
- Unsigned int
For lengths "any", 2, 3 and 4:
Any | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
Any | GVec |
GVec2 |
GVec3 |
GVec4 |
Signed | SignedVec |
SignedVec2 |
SignedVec3 |
SignedVec4 |
Float | FloatVec |
FloatVec2 |
FloatVec3 |
FloatVec4 |
Int | IntVec |
IntVec2 |
IntVec3 |
IntVec4 |
Signed int | SIntVec |
SIntVec2 |
SIntVec3 |
SIntVec4 |
Unsigned int | UIntVec |
UIntVec2 |
UIntVec3 |
UIntVec4 |
As well as for concrete types of any length:
, U16Vec
, I32Vec
, U32Vec
, I64Vec
, U64Vec
, F32Vec
, F64Vec
is also provided to cover boolean vectors.
Traits are implemented for the appropriate glam types.