Project Description
This NBA simulation takes in the play by play data of an NBA game and displays the simulation and events on a real time bases just like an NBA game. I am also able to do some statistics such as formation analysis, creating convex hulls to measure how effective the teams are using the court against their opponent. The data was collected from a source on github and the NBA uses SportsVu cameras in their stadiums to track the x and y locations of the ball and the players.
All the graphics are utilized through tkinter
How To Run the Program
Run the file, current state of the repository, the code will only run for 1 game.
Libraries that need to be installed
Some of the libraries that need to be installed are: numpy, tkinter, scipy.spatial, csv, pandas,json,requests. (Those are all the libraries I imported, I believe everything except numpy, and pandas are built into python)
One of the shortcuts I implemented when building the game was being able to fastforward the game which you can do by pressing a button on the screen of the simulation.
Inspired by: project