✓ Android coding standards
✓ Good Android architecture
✓ Appropriate use of library
✓ Animation
✓ Custom views (functional and sensible to the usage of the app)
✓ Redmart UI/UX style
a) Butterknife
b) Timber
c) Retrofit 2
d) OkHttp3
e) Glide
f) Mockito
g) ViewPagerIndicator
h) AppCompat
i) Design Support Library
Strictly followed MVP architecture. This helps in proper deep Unit testing and code modularity.
Please refer to the following two files to get the pattern on Unit testing we can add with the MVP architecture.
- The above two classes are just to give a pattern of test cases. These files have not covered all the use cases.
- We could have easily extended this project with Espresso for UI testing with Mock API response
- Implemented Shared View Transition while showing details view of the product. That was very easy to add :)
- Please refer the the WIDGETS package for all the relevant custom view used in the project.
Please refer the following screenshots.