Version 1.0.5
- RSS-160: Create a stream connector to ingest msgs from rs queue
- REC-163 First version of the User events extraction and storing
- REC-166 Initialise react subfolder for ui migration
- REC-167 Add basic routing and placeholders for main views
- Create CITATION.cff
- Create Code of Conduct
- REC-174 Process user_events and update user information accordingly
- REC-175 Process service_events and update service information accordingly
- REC-180 Enable python syntax style checks using flake8
- REC-188 stream connector reconnect on disconnect
- REC-191 Statically usage of the Cyfronet user actions
- REC-192 Creating a placeholder for the RS Metrics healthcheck service
- REC-199 Update healthcheck with db and streaming statuses
- REC-204 Move user actions from preprocessor to preprocessor_common
- REC-208 Use same field names in db and in python dataframes
- REC-209 Skip computations when no data found
- REC-210 Stream connector will skip reading service path if it doesn't exitst
- REC-211 Collect categories and scientific domains
- REC-212 New statistics: Monthly user actions and recommendations