A reverse engineered Node.js client for Quora's Poe.
Support: Fetch needed info and write to .env file | send messages to different bot | set up proxies | clear/delete/purge messages | get history messages | get bot info | get next data
I'm still working on this, so it's might not stable. If your meet any problems, please create an issue.
npm install poe-node-api
- node >= 18
- .env: To store needed params like
/ botId.....
Get cookie from poe.com: F12 / inspect, Application > Cookies > https://poe.com > p-b
Create .env file in your project root path, and add cookie to .env file
- Fetch all needed info
const client = new PoeClient({logLevel: 'debug'});
await client.init()
// If no poe-formkey and buildId in .env file, client will download needed params, next time will not need to fetch these params again until cookie is changed/logout(For now).
How to create a client:
import {PoeClient} from "poe-node-api";
const client = new PoeClient({logLevel: 'debug'});
- cookie?: string
- env?: ProcessEnv(Default: process.env). for multi-account use, user can pass envMap to constructor, client will read needed info from that envMap
- logLevel?: string(Default: 'info'). enable debug console output
- fetch?: FetchFunction
- type FetchFunction = typeof fetch
- retry?: number(Default: 5).
- retryMsInterval?: number(Default: 2000).
- proxy?: ProxyInfo
How to init client
await client.init()
- rewriteToLocalEnvFile: boolean = true. This means that the client will retrieve necessary parameters like
and overwrite them in the local '.env' file.
To prevent conflicts, when using multi-account, you should set
to false
Bot nicknames
botNickName <==> botDisplayName
- a2 <==> Claude-instant
- a2_2 <==> Claude+
- beaver <==> GPT-4
- capybara <==> Sage
- nutria <==> Dragonfly
- chinchilla <==> ChatGPT
- hutia <==> NeevaAI
- Your own bot
* send message to bot
* @param text user input
* @param botNickName bot nick name, like capybara(Sage) / a2(Claude-instant) / a2_2(Claude+) etc.
* @param withChatBreak Add a chat break or not. (Empty context)
* @param callback When ws on message, will invoke this callback function.
await client.sendMessage(text, botNickName, withChatBreak, (result: string) => {console.log(`${result}`)})
text: string
botNickName: string
withChatBreak: boolean
callback: (result: string) => void
Warning: Too many requests within one minute will result in (free)account being blocked !!!!!
I had sent about 20 messages in one minute, and now it's blocked. Login failed with error message:
Something went wrong. Please wait a moment and try again.
So make sure you know what you're doing~
const res = await client.addChatBreak(botNickName);
- botNickName: string
const res = await client.deleteMessage(messageIds);
- messageIds: number[], messageIds to delete
const res = await client.purgeAllMessage();
Delete all bot messages, equals to click poe.com > Settings > Delete all messages
const history = await client.getHistory(botNickName, count);
- botNickName: string
- count?: number, Messages's count to get. (default: 25)
const history = await client.getBotByNickName(botNickName, retryCount, retryIntervalMs);
- botNickName: string
- retryCount?: number, If fetch bot info failed, will retry.
- retryIntervalMs?: number, ms time to wait before next fetch. (default: 2000)
const history = await client.getNextData();
Can get
/latest messages
(like latest 5 messages) andstartCursor
(use startCursor to fetch history messages) /availableBots
/ ......
await client.updateAllBotInfo()
This function will fetch poe-formkey, buildId, latest messages, startCursor and all bots info(chatId / id, this two params will be used to ).
This function will set
to .env file(These parameters are the same as cookies and do not need to be requested every time).Next time you send a msg to any bot, will not need to fetch bot info again, client will get needed params like
from local .env file.
example - fetchAllNeededInfo.ts
- Add type definition to bots/viewer/nextData
- Use free SMS/email services to log in?
- I'm working on one of my project which can integrate any bot like chatgpt by plugin. But I can't find any poe node api, so I try to write this client. Huge thanks to poe-api(ISC License) and poe(MIT License).
- .graphql files is merge from two repos above and find a new graphql to purge all message.
- If you meet any problems, please create an issue.
- I'm not familiar with ts, feel free give suggestions | create pull request.