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Rename blinding to pathKey (#735)
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thomash-acinq authored Nov 29, 2024
1 parent 97b1525 commit 7cfdb96
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Expand Up @@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ data class NodeParams(
* @return the default offer and the private key that will sign invoices for this offer.
fun defaultOffer(trampolineNodeId: PublicKey): Pair<OfferTypes.Offer, PrivateKey> {
// We generate a deterministic blindingSecret based on:
// We generate a deterministic session key based on:
// - a custom tag indicating that this is used in the Bolt 12 context
// - our trampoline node, which is used as an introduction node for the offer's blinded path
// - our private key, which ensures that nobody else can generate the same blindingSecret
val blindingSecret = PrivateKey(Crypto.sha256("bolt 12 default offer".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8).byteVector() + trampolineNodeId.value + nodePrivateKey.value).byteVector32())
// - our private key, which ensures that nobody else can generate the same path key secret
val sessionKey = PrivateKey(Crypto.sha256("bolt 12 default offer".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8).byteVector() + trampolineNodeId.value + nodePrivateKey.value).byteVector32())
// We don't use our currently activated features, otherwise the offer would change when we add support for new features.
// If we add a new feature that we would like to use by default, we will need to explicitly create a new offer.
return OfferTypes.Offer.createBlindedOffer(amount = null, description = null, this, trampolineNodeId, Features.empty, blindingSecret)
return OfferTypes.Offer.createBlindedOffer(amount = null, description = null, this, trampolineNodeId, Features.empty, sessionKey)
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Expand Up @@ -14,68 +14,68 @@ import fr.acinq.lightning.wire.OnionPaymentPayloadTlv
object RouteBlinding {

* @param nodeId introduction node's id (which cannot be blinded since the sender need to find a route to it).
* @param nodeId first node's id (which cannot be blinded since the sender need to find a route to it).
* @param blindedPublicKey blinded public key, which hides the real public key.
* @param blindingEphemeralKey blinding tweak that can be used by the receiving node to derive the private key that matches the blinded public key.
* @param encryptedPayload encrypted payload that can be decrypted with the introduction node's private key and the blinding ephemeral key.
* @param pathKey blinding tweak that can be used by the receiving node to derive the private key that matches the blinded public key.
* @param encryptedPayload encrypted payload that can be decrypted with the introduction node's private key and the path key.
data class IntroductionNode(
data class FirstHop(
val nodeId: EncodedNodeId,
val blindedPublicKey: PublicKey,
val blindingEphemeralKey: PublicKey,
val pathKey: PublicKey,
val encryptedPayload: ByteVector

* @param blindedPublicKey blinded public key, which hides the real public key.
* @param encryptedPayload encrypted payload that can be decrypted with the receiving node's private key and the blinding ephemeral key.
* @param encryptedPayload encrypted payload that can be decrypted with the receiving node's private key and the path key.
data class BlindedNode(val blindedPublicKey: PublicKey, val encryptedPayload: ByteVector)
data class BlindedHop(val blindedPublicKey: PublicKey, val encryptedPayload: ByteVector)

* @param introductionNodeId the first node, not blinded so that the sender can locate it.
* @param blindingKey blinding tweak that can be used by the introduction node to derive the private key that matches the blinded public key.
* @param blindedNodes blinded nodes (including the introduction node).
* @param firstNodeId the first node, not blinded so that the sender can locate it.
* @param firstPathKey blinding tweak that can be used by the introduction node to derive the private key that matches the blinded public key.
* @param blindedHops blinded nodes (including the introduction node).
data class BlindedRoute(
val introductionNodeId: EncodedNodeId,
val blindingKey: PublicKey,
val blindedNodes: List<BlindedNode>
val firstNodeId: EncodedNodeId,
val firstPathKey: PublicKey,
val blindedHops: List<BlindedHop>
) {
val introductionNode: IntroductionNode = IntroductionNode(
val firstHop: FirstHop = FirstHop(
val subsequentNodes: List<BlindedNode> = blindedNodes.drop(1)
val blindedNodeIds: List<PublicKey> = { it.blindedPublicKey }
val encryptedPayloads: List<ByteVector> = { it.encryptedPayload }
val subsequentHops: List<BlindedHop> = blindedHops.drop(1)
val blindedNodeIds: List<PublicKey> = { it.blindedPublicKey }
val encryptedPayloads: List<ByteVector> = { it.encryptedPayload }

* @param route blinded route.
* @param lastBlinding blinding point for the last node, which can be used to derive the blinded private key.
* @param lastPathKey path key for the last node, which can be used to derive the blinded private key.
data class BlindedRouteDetails(val route: BlindedRoute, val lastBlinding: PublicKey) {
data class BlindedRouteDetails(val route: BlindedRoute, val lastPathKey: PublicKey) {
/** @param nodeKey private key associated with our non-blinded node_id. */
fun blindedPrivateKey(nodeKey: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = derivePrivateKey(nodeKey, lastBlinding)
fun blindedPrivateKey(nodeKey: PrivateKey): PrivateKey = derivePrivateKey(nodeKey, lastPathKey)

* Blind the provided route and encrypt intermediate nodes' payloads.
* @param sessionKey this node's session key.
* @param sessionKey session key of the blinded path, the corresponding public key will be the first path key.
* @param publicKeys public keys of each node on the route, starting from the introduction point.
* @param payloads payloads that should be encrypted for each node on the route.
* @return a blinded route.
fun create(sessionKey: PrivateKey, publicKeys: List<PublicKey>, payloads: List<ByteVector>): BlindedRouteDetails {
require(publicKeys.size == payloads.size) { "a payload must be provided for each node in the blinded path" }
var e = sessionKey
val (blindedHops, blindingKeys) = { pair ->
val (blindedHops, pathKeys) = { pair ->
val (publicKey, payload) = pair
val blindingKey = e.publicKey()
val pathKey = e.publicKey()
val sharedSecret = Sphinx.computeSharedSecret(publicKey, e)
val blindedPublicKey = Sphinx.blind(publicKey, Sphinx.generateKey("blinded_node_id", sharedSecret))
val rho = Sphinx.generateKey("rho", sharedSecret)
Expand All @@ -85,38 +85,38 @@ object RouteBlinding {
e *= PrivateKey(Crypto.sha256(blindingKey.value.toByteArray() + sharedSecret.toByteArray()))
Pair(BlindedNode(blindedPublicKey, ByteVector(encryptedPayload + mac)), blindingKey)
e *= PrivateKey(Crypto.sha256(pathKey.value.toByteArray() + sharedSecret.toByteArray()))
Pair(BlindedHop(blindedPublicKey, ByteVector(encryptedPayload + mac)), pathKey)
return BlindedRouteDetails(BlindedRoute(EncodedNodeId(publicKeys.first()), blindingKeys.first(), blindedHops), blindingKeys.last())
return BlindedRouteDetails(BlindedRoute(EncodedNodeId(publicKeys.first()), pathKeys.first(), blindedHops), pathKeys.last())

* Compute the blinded private key that must be used to decrypt an incoming blinded onion.
* @param privateKey this node's private key.
* @param blindingEphemeralKey unblinding ephemeral key.
* @param pathKey unblinding ephemeral key.
* @return this node's blinded private key.
fun derivePrivateKey(privateKey: PrivateKey, blindingEphemeralKey: PublicKey): PrivateKey {
val sharedSecret = Sphinx.computeSharedSecret(blindingEphemeralKey, privateKey)
fun derivePrivateKey(privateKey: PrivateKey, pathKey: PublicKey): PrivateKey {
val sharedSecret = Sphinx.computeSharedSecret(pathKey, privateKey)
return privateKey * PrivateKey(Sphinx.generateKey("blinded_node_id", sharedSecret))

* Decrypt the encrypted payload (usually found in the onion) that contains instructions to locate the next node.
* @param privateKey this node's private key.
* @param blindingEphemeralKey unblinding ephemeral key.
* @param pathKey unblinding ephemeral key.
* @param encryptedPayload encrypted payload for this node.
* @return a tuple (decrypted payload, unblinding ephemeral key for the next node)
fun decryptPayload(
privateKey: PrivateKey,
blindingEphemeralKey: PublicKey,
pathKey: PublicKey,
encryptedPayload: ByteVector
): Either<InvalidTlvPayload, Pair<ByteVector, PublicKey>> {
val sharedSecret = Sphinx.computeSharedSecret(blindingEphemeralKey, privateKey)
val sharedSecret = Sphinx.computeSharedSecret(pathKey, privateKey)
val rho = Sphinx.generateKey("rho", sharedSecret)
return try {
val decrypted = ChaCha20Poly1305.decrypt(
Expand All @@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ object RouteBlinding {
val nextBlindingEphemeralKey = Sphinx.blind(blindingEphemeralKey, Sphinx.computeBlindingFactor(blindingEphemeralKey, sharedSecret))
Either.Right(Pair(ByteVector(decrypted), nextBlindingEphemeralKey))
val nextPathKey = Sphinx.blind(pathKey, Sphinx.computeBlindingFactor(pathKey, sharedSecret))
Either.Right(Pair(ByteVector(decrypted), nextPathKey))
} catch (_: Throwable) {
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Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ object JsonSerializers {
subclass(CommitSigTlv.Batch::class, CommitSigTlvBatchSerializer)
subclass(ShutdownTlv.ChannelData::class, ShutdownTlvChannelDataSerializer)
subclass(ClosingSignedTlv.FeeRange::class, ClosingSignedTlvFeeRangeSerializer)
subclass(UpdateAddHtlcTlv.Blinding::class, UpdateAddHtlcTlvBlindingSerializer)
subclass(UpdateAddHtlcTlv.PathKey::class, UpdateAddHtlcTlvPathKeySerializer)
// TODO The following declarations are required because serializers for [TransactionWithInputInfo]
// depend themselves on @Contextual serializers. Once we get rid of v2/v3 serialization and we
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,8 +476,8 @@ object JsonSerializers {
@Serializer(forClass = EncryptedChannelData::class)
object EncryptedChannelDataSerializer

@Serializer(forClass = UpdateAddHtlcTlv.Blinding::class)
object UpdateAddHtlcTlvBlindingSerializer
@Serializer(forClass = UpdateAddHtlcTlv.PathKey::class)
object UpdateAddHtlcTlvPathKeySerializer

@Serializer(forClass = UpdateAddHtlcTlv::class)
object UpdateAddHtlcTlvSerializer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -649,8 +649,8 @@ object JsonSerializers {
delegateSerializer = EncodedNodeIdSurrogate.serializer()

@Serializer(forClass = RouteBlinding.BlindedNode::class)
object BlindedNodeSerializer
@Serializer(forClass = RouteBlinding.BlindedHop::class)
object BlindedHopSerializer

@Serializer(forClass = RouteBlinding.BlindedRoute::class)
object BlindedRouteSerializer
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