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Require strict re-signing before shutdown update
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Whenever we exchange `shutdown`, we now require that new closing txs
are signed before allowing another `shutdown` message to be sent to
start a new signing round.

This creates more risk of deadlock when one side fails to send their
sigs, where we'll need to disconnect to start a new signing round.
But that shouldn't happen if nodes are honest and not buggy, so it
probably doesn't matter. If nodes are buggy or malicious, we will
need to force-close anyway.
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t-bast committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent df6ad3e commit c45cf33
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Expand Up @@ -536,36 +536,18 @@ object SpliceStatus {
case object SpliceAborted extends SpliceStatus

case class ClosingCompleteSent(closingComplete: ClosingComplete, closingFeerate: FeeratePerKw)

sealed trait OnRemoteShutdown
object OnRemoteShutdown {
/** When receiving the remote shutdown, we sign a new version of our closing transaction. */
case class SignTransaction(closingFeerate: FeeratePerKw) extends OnRemoteShutdown
/** When receiving the remote shutdown, we don't sign a new version of our closing transaction, but our peer may sign theirs. */
case object WaitForSigs extends OnRemoteShutdown

sealed trait ClosingNegotiation {
def localShutdown: Shutdown
// When we disconnect, we discard pending signatures.
def disconnect(): ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown = this match {
case status: ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown => status
case status: ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions => match {
// If we were waiting for their signature, we will send closing_complete again after exchanging shutdown.
case Some(closingFeerate) if status.closingSigReceived_opt.isEmpty => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(status.localShutdown, OnRemoteShutdown.SignTransaction(closingFeerate))
case _ => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(status.localShutdown, OnRemoteShutdown.WaitForSigs)
case status: ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(status.localShutdown, OnRemoteShutdown.WaitForSigs)
/** Closing feerate for our closing transaction. */
def closingFeerate: FeeratePerKw
object ClosingNegotiation {
/** We've sent a new shutdown message: we wait for their shutdown message before taking any action. */
case class WaitingForRemoteShutdown(localShutdown: Shutdown, onRemoteShutdown: OnRemoteShutdown) extends ClosingNegotiation
/** We've exchanged shutdown messages: at least one side will send closing_complete to renew their closing transaction. */
case class SigningTransactions(localShutdown: Shutdown, remoteShutdown: Shutdown, closingCompleteSent_opt: Option[ClosingCompleteSent], closingSigSent_opt: Option[ClosingSig], closingSigReceived_opt: Option[ClosingSig]) extends ClosingNegotiation
/** We've signed a new closing transaction and are waiting for confirmation or to initiate RBF. */
case class WaitingForConfirmation(localShutdown: Shutdown, remoteShutdown: Shutdown) extends ClosingNegotiation
case class WaitingForRemoteShutdown(localShutdown: Shutdown, closingFeerate: FeeratePerKw) extends ClosingNegotiation
/** We've exchanged shutdown messages: we both send closing_complete to renew the closing transactions. */
case class SigningTransactions(localShutdown: Shutdown, remoteShutdown: Shutdown, closingFeerate: FeeratePerKw, closingCompleteSent_opt: Option[ClosingComplete], closingSigSent_opt: Option[ClosingSig], closingSigReceived_opt: Option[ClosingSig]) extends ClosingNegotiation
/** We've signed new closing transactions and are waiting for confirmation or to initiate RBF. */
case class WaitingForConfirmation(localShutdown: Shutdown, remoteShutdown: Shutdown, closingFeerate: FeeratePerKw) extends ClosingNegotiation

sealed trait ChannelData extends PossiblyHarmful {
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Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ case class InvalidAnnouncementSignatures (override val channelId: Byte
case class InvalidCommitmentSignature (override val channelId: ByteVector32, fundingTxId: TxId, fundingTxIndex: Long, unsignedCommitTx: Transaction) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"invalid commitment signature: fundingTxId=$fundingTxId fundingTxIndex=$fundingTxIndex commitTxId=${unsignedCommitTx.txid} commitTx=$unsignedCommitTx")
case class InvalidHtlcSignature (override val channelId: ByteVector32, txId: TxId) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"invalid htlc signature: txId=$txId")
case class CannotGenerateClosingTx (override val channelId: ByteVector32) extends ChannelException(channelId, "failed to generate closing transaction: all outputs are trimmed")
case class ShutdownWaitingForSigs (override val channelId: ByteVector32) extends ChannelException(channelId, "received unexpected shutdown while signing closing transactions")
case class MissingCloseSignature (override val channelId: ByteVector32) extends ChannelException(channelId, "closing_complete is missing a signature for a closing transaction including our output")
case class InvalidCloseSignature (override val channelId: ByteVector32, txId: TxId) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"invalid close signature: txId=$txId")
case class UnexpectedClosingComplete (override val channelId: ByteVector32, fees: Satoshi, lockTime: Long) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"unexpected closing_complete with fees=$fees and lockTime=$lockTime: we already sent closing_sig, you must send shutdown first")
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Expand Up @@ -1727,77 +1727,69 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder with

when(NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE)(handleExceptions {
case Event(remoteShutdown: Shutdown, d: DATA_NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE) =>
val localScript = d.status.localShutdown.scriptPubKey
val remoteScript = remoteShutdown.scriptPubKey
d.status match {
case status: ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown =>
// We have already sent our shutdown. Now that we've received theirs, we're ready to sign closing transactions.
// If we don't have a closing feerate, we don't need to create a new version of our closing transaction (which
// can happen after a reconnection for example).
status.onRemoteShutdown match {
case OnRemoteShutdown.SignTransaction(closingFeerate) =>
val localScript = status.localShutdown.scriptPubKey
val remoteScript = remoteShutdown.scriptPubKey
MutualClose.makeSimpleClosingTx(nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, keyManager, d.commitments.latest, localScript, remoteScript, closingFeerate) match {
case Left(f) =>
log.warning("cannot create local closing txs, waiting for remote closing_complete: {}", f.getMessage)
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(status.localShutdown, remoteShutdown, None, None, None)
stay() using d.copy(status = status1)
case Right((closingTxs, closingComplete)) =>
log.debug("signing local mutual close transactions: {}", closingTxs)
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(status.localShutdown, remoteShutdown, Some(ClosingCompleteSent(closingComplete, closingFeerate)), None, None)
stay() using d.copy(status = status1, proposedClosingTxs = d.proposedClosingTxs :+ closingTxs) storing() sending closingComplete
case OnRemoteShutdown.WaitForSigs =>
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(status.localShutdown, remoteShutdown, None, None, None)
MutualClose.makeSimpleClosingTx(nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, keyManager, d.commitments.latest, localScript, remoteScript, status.closingFeerate) match {
case Left(f) =>
log.warning("cannot create local closing txs, waiting for remote closing_complete: {}", f.getMessage)
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(status.localShutdown, remoteShutdown, status.closingFeerate, None, None, None)
stay() using d.copy(status = status1)
case Right((closingTxs, closingComplete)) =>
log.debug("signing local mutual close transactions: {}", closingTxs)
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(status.localShutdown, remoteShutdown, status.closingFeerate, Some(closingComplete), None, None)
stay() using d.copy(status = status1, proposedClosingTxs = d.proposedClosingTxs :+ closingTxs) storing() sending closingComplete
case status: ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions =>
// We were in the middle of signing transactions: we restart a signing round from scratch.
// If we were waiting for their signature, we will send closing_complete again after exchanging shutdown.
val localShutdown = status.localShutdown
val onRemoteShutdown = match {
case Some(closingFeerate) if status.closingSigReceived_opt.isEmpty => OnRemoteShutdown.SignTransaction(closingFeerate)
case _ => OnRemoteShutdown.WaitForSigs
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(localShutdown, onRemoteShutdown)
self ! remoteShutdown
stay() using d.copy(status = status1) sending localShutdown
case _: ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions =>
// We were in the middle of signing transactions: sending shutdown is forbidden at that point.
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(2 second, peer, Peer.Disconnect(remoteNodeId))
stay() sending Warning(d.channelId, ShutdownWaitingForSigs(d.channelId).getMessage)
case status: ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation =>
// Our peer wants to create a new version of their closing transaction. We don't need to update our version of
// the closing transaction: we re-send our previous shutdown and wait for their closing_complete.
// the closing transaction: we use the same parameters as we did in the previous signing round.
val localShutdown = status.localShutdown
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(localShutdown, remoteShutdown, None, None, None)
stay() using d.copy(status = status1) sending localShutdown
MutualClose.makeSimpleClosingTx(nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, keyManager, d.commitments.latest, localScript, remoteScript, status.closingFeerate) match {
case Left(f) =>
log.warning("cannot create local closing txs, waiting for remote closing_complete: {}", f.getMessage)
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(localShutdown, remoteShutdown, status.closingFeerate, None, None, None)
stay() using d.copy(status = status1) sending localShutdown
case Right((closingTxs, closingComplete)) =>
log.debug("signing local mutual close transactions: {}", closingTxs)
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(localShutdown, remoteShutdown, status.closingFeerate, Some(closingComplete), None, None)
stay() using d.copy(status = status1, proposedClosingTxs = d.proposedClosingTxs :+ closingTxs) storing() sending Seq(localShutdown, closingComplete)

case Event(closingComplete: ClosingComplete, d: DATA_NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE) =>
d.status match {
case _: ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown =>"ignoring remote closing_complete, we've sent shutdown to initiate a new signing round")
stay() sending Warning(d.channelId, UnexpectedClosingComplete(d.channelId, closingComplete.fees, closingComplete.lockTime).getMessage)
case _: ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation =>"ignoring closing_complete, we've already sent closing_sig: peer must send shutdown again before closing_complete")
stay() sending Warning(d.channelId, UnexpectedClosingComplete(d.channelId, closingComplete.fees, closingComplete.lockTime).getMessage)
case status: ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions if status.closingSigSent_opt.nonEmpty =>"ignoring closing_complete, we've already sent closing_sig: peer must send shutdown again before closing_complete")"ignoring closing_complete, we've already sent closing_sig: peer must send closing_sig, then shutdown again before closing_complete")
stay() sending Warning(d.channelId, UnexpectedClosingComplete(d.channelId, closingComplete.fees, closingComplete.lockTime).getMessage)
case status: ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions =>
val localScript = status.localShutdown.scriptPubKey
val remoteScript = status.remoteShutdown.scriptPubKey
MutualClose.signSimpleClosingTx(keyManager, d.commitments.latest, localScript, remoteScript, closingComplete) match {
case Left(f) =>
// This may happen if scripts were updated concurrently, so we simply ignore failures.
log.warning("invalid closing_complete: {}", f.getMessage)
stay() sending Warning(d.channelId, f.getMessage)
case Right((signedClosingTx, closingSig)) =>
log.debug("signing remote mutual close transaction: {}", signedClosingTx.tx)
val status1 = status.closingCompleteSent_opt match {
// We've sent closing_complete: we may be waiting for their closing_sig.
case Some(_) => status.closingSigReceived_opt match {
case Some(_) => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation(status.localShutdown, status.remoteShutdown)
case Some(_) => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation(status.localShutdown, status.remoteShutdown, status.closingFeerate)
case None => status.copy(closingSigSent_opt = Some(closingSig))
// We haven't sent closing_complete: we're not waiting for their closing_sig'.
case None => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation(status.localShutdown, status.remoteShutdown)
// We haven't sent closing_complete: we're not waiting for their closing_sig.
case None => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation(status.localShutdown, status.remoteShutdown, status.closingFeerate)
val d1 = d.copy(status = status1, publishedClosingTxs = d.publishedClosingTxs :+ signedClosingTx)
stay() using d1 storing() calling doPublish(signedClosingTx, localPaysClosingFees = false) sending closingSig
Expand All @@ -1818,14 +1810,13 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder with
case status: ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions =>
MutualClose.receiveSimpleClosingSig(keyManager, d.commitments.latest, d.proposedClosingTxs.last, closingSig) match {
case Left(f) =>
// This may happen if scripts were updated concurrently, so we simply ignore failures.
log.warning("invalid closing_sig: {}", f.getMessage)
stay() sending Warning(d.channelId, f.getMessage)
case Right(signedClosingTx) =>
log.debug("received signatures for local mutual close transaction: {}", signedClosingTx.tx)
val status1 = status.closingSigSent_opt match {
// We have already signed their transaction: both local and remote closing transactions have been updated.
case Some(_) => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation(status.localShutdown, status.remoteShutdown)
case Some(_) => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation(status.localShutdown, status.remoteShutdown, status.closingFeerate)
// We haven't sent closing_sig yet: they may send us closing_complete to update their closing transaction.
case None => status.copy(closingSigReceived_opt = Some(closingSig))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1859,17 +1850,17 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder with"we're already waiting for our peer to send their shutdown message, no need to send ours again")
handleCommandError(ClosingAlreadyInProgress(d.channelId), c)
case _: ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions =>
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(localShutdown, OnRemoteShutdown.SignTransaction(closingFeerate))
stay() using d.copy(status = status1) storing() sending localShutdown"we're in the middle of signing closing transactions, we should finish this round before starting a new signing session")
handleCommandError(ClosingAlreadyInProgress(d.channelId), c)
case _: ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForConfirmation =>
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(localShutdown, OnRemoteShutdown.SignTransaction(closingFeerate))
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(localShutdown, closingFeerate)
stay() using d.copy(status = status1) storing() sending localShutdown

case Event(e: Error, d: DATA_NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE) => handleRemoteError(e, d)

val status1 = d.status.disconnect()
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(d.status.localShutdown, d.status.closingFeerate)
goto(OFFLINE) using d.copy(status = status1)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2526,10 +2517,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder with
case Event(_: ChannelReestablish, d: DATA_NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE) =>
// We retransmit our shutdown: we may have updated our script and they may not have received it.
val localShutdown = d.status.localShutdown
val status1 = d.status match {
case status: ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown => status.copy(localShutdown = localShutdown)
case _ => ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(localShutdown, OnRemoteShutdown.WaitForSigs)
val status1 = ClosingNegotiation.WaitingForRemoteShutdown(localShutdown, d.status.closingFeerate)
goto(NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE) using d.copy(status = status1) sending localShutdown

// This handler is a workaround for an issue in lnd: starting with versions 0.10 / 0.11, they sometimes fail to send
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Expand Up @@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ trait CommonHandlers {
MutualClose.makeSimpleClosingTx(nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, keyManager, commitments.latest, localScript, remoteScript, closingFeerate) match {
case Left(f) =>
log.warning("cannot create local closing txs, waiting for remote closing_complete: {}", f.getMessage)
val status = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(localShutdown, remoteShutdown, None, None, None)
val status = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(localShutdown, remoteShutdown, closingFeerate, None, None, None)
val d = DATA_NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE(commitments, status, Nil, Nil)
goto(NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE) using d storing() sending toSend
case Right((closingTxs, closingComplete)) =>
log.debug("signing local mutual close transactions: {}", closingTxs)
val status = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(localShutdown, remoteShutdown, Some(ClosingCompleteSent(closingComplete, closingFeerate)), None, None)
val status = ClosingNegotiation.SigningTransactions(localShutdown, remoteShutdown, closingFeerate, Some(closingComplete), None, None)
val d = DATA_NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE(commitments, status, closingTxs :: Nil, Nil)
goto(NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE) using d storing() sending toSend :+ closingComplete
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