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Implement the option_simple_close protocol
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We introduce a new `NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE` state where we exchange the
`closing_complete` and `closing_sig` messages, and allow RBF-ing previous
transactions and updating our closing script.

We stay in that state until one of the transactions confirms, or a force
close is detected. This is important to ensure we're able to correctly
reconnect and negotiate RBF candidates.

We keep this separate from the previous NEGOTIATING state to make it
easier to remove support for the older mutual close protocols once we're
confident the network has been upgraded.
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t-bast committed Oct 18, 2024
1 parent 8423a6d commit 623b371
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Showing 21 changed files with 815 additions and 86 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions docs/release-notes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,18 @@ Every node advertizes the rates at which they sell their liquidity, and buyers c
The liquidity ads specification is still under review and will likely change.
This feature isn't meant to be used on mainnet yet and is thus disabled by default.

### Simplified mutual close

This release includes support for the latest [mutual close protocol](
This protocol allows both channel participants to decide exactly how much fees they're willing to pay to close the channel.
Each participant obtains a channel closing transaction where they are paying the fees.

Once closing transactions are broadcast, they can be RBF-ed by calling the `close` RPC again with a higher feerate:

./eclair-cli close --channelId=<channel_id> --preferredFeerateSatByte=<rbf_feerate>

### Update minimal version of Bitcoin Core

With this release, eclair requires using Bitcoin Core 27.1.
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ object CheckBalance {
case (r, d: DATA_NORMAL) => r.modify(_.normal).using(updateMainAndHtlcBalance(d.commitments, knownPreimages))
case (r, d: DATA_SHUTDOWN) => r.modify(_.shutdown).using(updateMainAndHtlcBalance(d.commitments, knownPreimages))
case (r, d: DATA_NEGOTIATING) => r.modify(_.negotiating).using(updateMainBalance(d.commitments.latest.localCommit))
case (r, d: DATA_NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE) => r.modify(_.negotiating).using(updateMainBalance(d.commitments.latest.localCommit))
case (r, d: DATA_CLOSING) =>
Closing.isClosingTypeAlreadyKnown(d) match {
case None if d.mutualClosePublished.nonEmpty && d.localCommitPublished.isEmpty && d.remoteCommitPublished.isEmpty && d.nextRemoteCommitPublished.isEmpty && d.revokedCommitPublished.isEmpty =>
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ case object WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_READY extends ChannelState
case object NORMAL extends ChannelState
case object SHUTDOWN extends ChannelState
case object NEGOTIATING extends ChannelState
case object NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE extends ChannelState
case object CLOSING extends ChannelState
case object CLOSED extends ChannelState
case object OFFLINE extends ChannelState
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,6 +654,15 @@ final case class DATA_NEGOTIATING(commitments: Commitments,
require(closingTxProposed.nonEmpty, "there must always be a list for the current negotiation")
require(!commitments.params.localParams.paysClosingFees || closingTxProposed.forall(_.nonEmpty), "initiator must have at least one closing signature for every negotiation attempt because it initiates the closing")
final case class DATA_NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE(commitments: Commitments,
localShutdown: Shutdown, remoteShutdown: Shutdown,
// Closing transactions we created, where we pay the fees (unsigned).
proposedClosingTxs: List[ClosingTxs],
// Closing transactions we published: this contains our local transactions for
// which they sent a signature, and their closing transactions that we signed.
publishedClosingTxs: List[ClosingTx]) extends ChannelDataWithCommitments {
def findClosingTx(tx: Transaction): Option[ClosingTx] = publishedClosingTxs.find(_.tx.txid == tx.txid).orElse(proposedClosingTxs.flatMap(_.all).find(_.tx.txid == tx.txid))
final case class DATA_CLOSING(commitments: Commitments,
waitingSince: BlockHeight, // how long since we initiated the closing
finalScriptPubKey: ByteVector, // where to send all on-chain funds
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ case class FeerateTooDifferent (override val channelId: Byte
case class InvalidAnnouncementSignatures (override val channelId: ByteVector32, annSigs: AnnouncementSignatures) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"invalid announcement signatures: $annSigs")
case class InvalidCommitmentSignature (override val channelId: ByteVector32, fundingTxId: TxId, fundingTxIndex: Long, unsignedCommitTx: Transaction) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"invalid commitment signature: fundingTxId=$fundingTxId fundingTxIndex=$fundingTxIndex commitTxId=${unsignedCommitTx.txid} commitTx=$unsignedCommitTx")
case class InvalidHtlcSignature (override val channelId: ByteVector32, txId: TxId) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"invalid htlc signature: txId=$txId")
case class CannotGenerateClosingTx (override val channelId: ByteVector32) extends ChannelException(channelId, "failed to generate closing transaction: all outputs are trimmed")
case class MissingCloseSignature (override val channelId: ByteVector32) extends ChannelException(channelId, "closing_complete is missing a signature for a closing transaction including our output")
case class InvalidCloseSignature (override val channelId: ByteVector32, txId: TxId) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"invalid close signature: txId=$txId")
case class InvalidCloseAmountBelowDust (override val channelId: ByteVector32, txId: TxId) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"invalid closing tx: some outputs are below dust: txId=$txId")
case class CommitSigCountMismatch (override val channelId: ByteVector32, expected: Int, actual: Int) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"commit sig count mismatch: expected=$expected actual=$actual")
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90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/channel/Helpers.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ object Helpers {
case d: DATA_NORMAL => d.modify(_.commitments.params).using(_.updateFeatures(localInit, remoteInit))
case d: DATA_SHUTDOWN => d.modify(_.commitments.params).using(_.updateFeatures(localInit, remoteInit))
case d: DATA_NEGOTIATING => d.modify(_.commitments.params).using(_.updateFeatures(localInit, remoteInit))
case d: DATA_NEGOTIATING_SIMPLE => d.modify(_.commitments.params).using(_.updateFeatures(localInit, remoteInit))
case d: DATA_CLOSING => d.modify(_.commitments.params).using(_.updateFeatures(localInit, remoteInit))
case d: DATA_WAIT_FOR_REMOTE_PUBLISH_FUTURE_COMMITMENT => d.modify(_.commitments.params).using(_.updateFeatures(localInit, remoteInit))
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/** We are the closer: we sign closing transactions for which we pay the fees. */
def makeSimpleClosingTx(currentBlockHeight: BlockHeight, keyManager: ChannelKeyManager, commitment: FullCommitment, localScriptPubkey: ByteVector, remoteScriptPubkey: ByteVector, feerate: FeeratePerKw): Either[ChannelException, (ClosingTxs, ClosingComplete)] = {
require(isValidFinalScriptPubkey(localScriptPubkey, allowAnySegwit = true, allowOpReturn = true), "invalid localScriptPubkey")
require(isValidFinalScriptPubkey(remoteScriptPubkey, allowAnySegwit = true, allowOpReturn = true), "invalid remoteScriptPubkey")
// We must convert the feerate to a fee: we must build dummy transactions to compute their weight.
val closingFee = {
val dummyClosingTxs = Transactions.makeSimpleClosingTxs(commitment.commitInput, commitment.localCommit.spec, SimpleClosingTxFee.PaidByUs(0 sat), currentBlockHeight.toLong, localScriptPubkey, remoteScriptPubkey)
dummyClosingTxs.preferred_opt match {
case Some(dummyTx) =>
val dummySignedTx = Transactions.addSigs(dummyTx, Transactions.PlaceHolderPubKey, Transactions.PlaceHolderPubKey, Transactions.PlaceHolderSig, Transactions.PlaceHolderSig)
SimpleClosingTxFee.PaidByUs(Transactions.weight2fee(feerate, dummySignedTx.tx.weight()))
case None => return Left(CannotGenerateClosingTx(commitment.channelId))
// Now that we know the fee we're ready to pay, we can create our closing transactions.
val closingTxs = Transactions.makeSimpleClosingTxs(commitment.commitInput, commitment.localCommit.spec, closingFee, currentBlockHeight.toLong, localScriptPubkey, remoteScriptPubkey)
// The actual fee we're paying will be bigger than the one we previously computed if we omit our output.
val actualFee = closingTxs.preferred_opt match {
case Some(closingTx) if closingTx.fee > 0.sat => closingTx.fee
case _ => return Left(CannotGenerateClosingTx(commitment.channelId))
val localFundingPubKey = keyManager.fundingPublicKey(commitment.localParams.fundingKeyPath, commitment.fundingTxIndex)
val closingComplete = ClosingComplete(commitment.channelId, actualFee, currentBlockHeight.toLong, TlvStream(Set( => ClosingTlv.CloserAndClosee(keyManager.sign(tx, localFundingPubKey, TxOwner.Local, commitment.params.commitmentFormat))), => ClosingTlv.CloserNoClosee(keyManager.sign(tx, localFundingPubKey, TxOwner.Local, commitment.params.commitmentFormat))), => ClosingTlv.NoCloserClosee(keyManager.sign(tx, localFundingPubKey, TxOwner.Local, commitment.params.commitmentFormat))),
Right(closingTxs, closingComplete)

* We are the closee: we choose one of the closer's transactions and sign it back.
* Callers should ignore failures: since the protocol is fully asynchronous, failures here simply mean that the
* closing_complete doesn't match the latest state of the closing negotiation (someone changed their script).
def signSimpleClosingTx(keyManager: ChannelKeyManager, commitment: FullCommitment, localScriptPubkey: ByteVector, remoteScriptPubkey: ByteVector, closingComplete: ClosingComplete): Either[ChannelException, (ClosingTx, ClosingSig)] = {
val closingFee = SimpleClosingTxFee.PaidByThem(closingComplete.fees)
val closingTxs = Transactions.makeSimpleClosingTxs(commitment.commitInput, commitment.localCommit.spec, closingFee, closingComplete.lockTime, localScriptPubkey, remoteScriptPubkey)
// If our output isn't dust, they must provide a signature for a transaction that includes it.
// Note that we're the closee, so we look for signatures including the closee output.
(closingTxs.localAndRemote_opt, closingTxs.localOnly_opt) match {
case (Some(_), Some(_)) if closingComplete.closerAndCloseeSig_opt.isEmpty && closingComplete.noCloserCloseeSig_opt.isEmpty => return Left(MissingCloseSignature(commitment.channelId))
case (Some(_), None) if closingComplete.closerAndCloseeSig_opt.isEmpty => return Left(MissingCloseSignature(commitment.channelId))
case (None, Some(_)) if closingComplete.noCloserCloseeSig_opt.isEmpty => return Left(MissingCloseSignature(commitment.channelId))
case _ => ()
// We choose the closing signature that matches our preferred closing transaction.
val closingTxsWithSigs = Seq(
closingComplete.closerAndCloseeSig_opt.flatMap(remoteSig => => (tx, remoteSig, localSig => ClosingTlv.CloserAndClosee(localSig)))),
closingComplete.noCloserCloseeSig_opt.flatMap(remoteSig => => (tx, remoteSig, localSig => ClosingTlv.NoCloserClosee(localSig)))),
closingComplete.closerNoCloseeSig_opt.flatMap(remoteSig => => (tx, remoteSig, localSig => ClosingTlv.CloserNoClosee(localSig)))),
closingTxsWithSigs.headOption match {
case Some((closingTx, remoteSig, sigToTlv)) =>
val localFundingPubKey = keyManager.fundingPublicKey(commitment.localParams.fundingKeyPath, commitment.fundingTxIndex)
val localSig = keyManager.sign(closingTx, localFundingPubKey, TxOwner.Local, commitment.params.commitmentFormat)
val signedClosingTx = Transactions.addSigs(closingTx, localFundingPubKey.publicKey, commitment.remoteFundingPubKey, localSig, remoteSig)
Transactions.checkSpendable(signedClosingTx) match {
case Failure(_) => Left(InvalidCloseSignature(commitment.channelId, signedClosingTx.tx.txid))
case Success(_) => Right(signedClosingTx, ClosingSig(commitment.channelId, TlvStream(sigToTlv(localSig))))
case None => Left(MissingCloseSignature(commitment.channelId))

* We are the closer: they sent us their signature so we should now have a fully signed closing transaction.
* Callers should ignore failures: since the protocol is fully asynchronous, failures here simply mean that the
* closing_sig doesn't match the latest state of the closing negotiation (someone changed their script).
def receiveSimpleClosingSig(keyManager: ChannelKeyManager, commitment: FullCommitment, closingTxs: ClosingTxs, closingSig: ClosingSig): Either[ChannelException, ClosingTx] = {
val closingTxsWithSig = Seq(
closingSig.closerAndCloseeSig_opt.flatMap(sig => => (tx, sig))),
closingSig.closerNoCloseeSig_opt.flatMap(sig => => (tx, sig))),
closingSig.noCloserCloseeSig_opt.flatMap(sig => => (tx, sig))),
closingTxsWithSig.headOption match {
case Some((closingTx, remoteSig)) =>
val localFundingPubKey = keyManager.fundingPublicKey(commitment.localParams.fundingKeyPath, commitment.fundingTxIndex)
val localSig = keyManager.sign(closingTx, localFundingPubKey, TxOwner.Local, commitment.params.commitmentFormat)
val signedClosingTx = Transactions.addSigs(closingTx, localFundingPubKey.publicKey, commitment.remoteFundingPubKey, localSig, remoteSig)
Transactions.checkSpendable(signedClosingTx) match {
case Failure(_) => Left(InvalidCloseSignature(commitment.channelId, signedClosingTx.tx.txid))
case Success(_) => Right(signedClosingTx)
case None => Left(MissingCloseSignature(commitment.channelId))

* Check that all closing outputs are above bitcoin's dust limit for their script type, otherwise there is a risk
* that the closing transaction will not be relayed to miners' mempool and will not confirm.
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