This mkdocs-based codebase deploys documentation to
# setup local environment
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the documentation server run the mkdocs serve
➜ mkdocs serve
INFO - Building documentation...
INFO - Cleaning site directory
INFO - Documentation built in 0.25 seconds
INFO - [13:45:40] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO - [13:45:40] Serving on
Running on a port other than 8000 is possible with the --dev-addr <IP:PORT>
flag (e.g. mkdocs serve --dev-addr 8181
will start the server on localhost:8181).
Publishing to
The site is automatically built and published on every push to the main branch (using the Github Actions workflow file in publish.yml).
To skip this workflow add [skip ci]
(or any equivalent variation) anywhere in the commit message.
To manually update the site run the mkdocs gh-deploy --force
➜ mkdocs gh-deploy --force
INFO - Cleaning site directory
INFO - Building documentation to directory: /Users/beckmanl/code/
INFO - Documentation built in 0.49 seconds
INFO - Copying '/Users/beckmanl/code/' to 'gh-pages' branch and pushing to GitHub.
INFO - Your documentation should shortly be available at: