A PHP Adapter to use in integrations with https://24sevenoffice.com/ CRM platform
Use the config.php to set the 24sevenoffice credentials http://developer.24sevenoffice.com/dev/#api-intro,
$username = "USER"; //Change this to your client user or community login
$password = "PASS"; //Change this to your password
$applicationid = "APP_ID"; //Change this to your applicationId
To call the API endpoint use a POST to the index document
Use the type=new
To save a company to the CRM you can use the following method and add the needed fields,
$company["companies"][0]['Name'] ="NAME";
$company["companies"][0]['Type'] ="Business";
$company["companies"][0]['OrganizationNumber'] ="ORG_ID";
"Name" : "NAME TO SENT",
"Email" : "EMAIL ADD",
"Account_ID" : "A123"
Success Will return the added organization
"status": 1,
"data": {
"Id": 46,
"OrganizationNumber": "A123",
"Name": "NAME TO SENT",
"EmailAddresses": {
"Invoice": {
"Description": "EMAIL ADD",
"Name": "EMAIL ADD",
"Value": "EMAIL ADD"
"Work": {
"Description": "EMAIL ADD",
"Name": "EMAIL ADD",
"Value": "EMAIL ADD"
"Type": "Business",
"LedgerCustomerAccount": 0,
"LedgerSupplierAccount": 0
Fail Will return the error with the status code of 1
"status": 0,
"data": "Property Type is missing.",
For more data fields http://developer.24sevenoffice.com/diverse/apicompanyservice-datatypes/
- Create a REST Endpoint to call the functions directly
- Make the functions run independently on requests