ASP.NET Core MVC application for managing inventory and users.
- Add Department: Create a new department by providing its details.
- Edit Department: Modify the information of an existing department.
- Delete Department: Remove a department from the system.
- View Departments: List all departments with their details.
- Add Display: Register a new display unit.
- Edit Display: Update the details of an existing display.
- Delete Display: Remove a display from the inventory.
- View Displays: View all display units with their specifications.
- Add Hardware Model: Add a new hardware model to the system.
- Edit Hardware Model: Edit the details of an existing hardware model.
- Delete Hardware Model: Remove a hardware model from the inventory.
- View Hardware Models: List all hardware models with their specifications.
- Add Laptop: Register a new laptop in the inventory.
- Edit Laptop: Update the information of an existing laptop.
- Delete Laptop: Remove a laptop from the inventory.
- View Laptops: View all laptops with their details.
- Add Producer: Add a new producer or supplier.
- Edit Producer: Modify the information of an existing producer.
- Delete Producer: Remove a producer from the system.
- View Producers: List all producers with their contact information.
- Add User: Create a new user account.
- Edit User: Update the details of an existing user.
- Delete User: Remove a user from the system.
- View Users: View all users and their roles.
- Track Laptop Changes: Monitor and record any changes in the inventory for laptops.
- Track Display Changes: Monitor and record any changes in the inventory for displays.