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Foldercopy - quick copy utility for Google Team/Shared Drives with string matches, using rclone (or lclone or gclone)

  • foldercopy copies folders matching any filter

  • foldercopy also copies shortcuts for folders using ./shcut set_name filter

NOTE: foldercopy requires a local list of folders. Create a set in /sets/ and run ./folderlist set_name to generate / update your list(s). The file is stored in /src_folders and can be updated as often as needed.


  • ./folderlist tv generates a file listing all folders in the source remotes in the set file tv. Subsequent searches are instant and copying can begin without re-scanning the remote.

  • ./foldercopy tv Bananas will copy any folders that include the string Bananas (ignore caps) between folders defined in the set file called tv

  • ./foldercopy tv Bananas 2007 will copy any folders that include the strings Bananas and 2007

  • ./foldercopy -d my_remote:comedy tv Bananas will copy any folders that include the string Bananas to the my_remote:comedy folder

  • flags must come before the set name. ./foldercopy tv Bananas -d my_remote:comedy will NOT work

  • After running a command foldercopy will give you a list and a choice

    • y to copy/sync/move all folders listed.
    • n to abort
    • s to select one of the folders shown in the list
    • c to change or refine the filter
  • Folder sets map the source and destination pairs in files in the /sets folder. These pairs can be as simple or complex as you like. For example a file /sets/tv could contain

        my_td:video         bak_td:video
        my_td:documentary   bak_td:documentary
        my_td:nature        bak_td:nature
  • ./folderlist tv will generate a list of all folders in my_td:video , documentary and nature as well as a mapping of all folders to bak_td:. These lists are saved in /src_folders and src_dest_folders directories.
  • There is a config file with a number of basic settings for default folders, actions, etc.
  • Many settings use flags, and some have short command alternatives. Most short commands accept flags:
      FLAG      OR   COMMAND
      -c|--copy)     fcopy    => copy (This is the default action)
      -m|--move)     fmove    => move
      -s|--sync)     fsync    => sync
      -z|--shcut)    shcut    => create shortcuts of the source folders
                     fcomp    => compare two folder lists
                     listsets => shows all of your set files. Select to print contentss
      -r|--rclone             => use rclone (This is the default app for copying)
      -l|--lclone)            => use lclone
      -g|--gclone)            => use gclone
      -a|--auto)              => copy without user confirmation    
      -t|--test)              => print command with executing
      -d|--dest)              => set destination manually (e.g. -d remote:folder)
      -f|--flag)              => add a flag to rclone. Each flag requires -f: `-f --flag1 -f flag2`
      -u|--update)            => update folderlist, then run filter and other commands
  • foldercopy works with rclone, gclone and lclone (l3uddz's rclone_gclone fork). This can be set in the config file or with flags
  • `./listcopy
  • ./fcomp set1 set2 creates a file in src_folders listing folders in set1 that are not in set2. fcomp will then ask if you want to copy (or sync or move) those folders.


  • searches can use partial and multiple filters
    • e.g You have a folderlist called videos which includes a folders called /holiday/2014/italy and /holiday/2015/japan
    • ./fcopy videos hol 14 will find /holiday/2014/italy
    • ./fcopy videos 201 will find /holiday/2014/italy and /holiday/2015/japan
    • ./fcopy videos 2014 holiday will find nothing, as the holiday precedes 2014 in the string


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