A 3D visualizer for .obj files written in C.
- OpenGL 4.1
- minilibX
In your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/4quet/3d_visualizer.git
cd 3d_visualizer
Launch using:
./scop <file.obj>
where <file.obj>
is an .obj file describing a 3D model.
A few .obj files are located in the models/ directory.
Example: ./scop models/teapot.obj
- W: Move forward.
- S: Move backward.
- Left arrow: Move the object left.
- Right arrow: Move the object right.
- Up arrow: Move the object up.
- Down arrow: Move the object down.
- +: Increase the scale of the object.
- -: Decrease the scale of the object.
- Z: Increase rotation speed.
- X: Decrease rotation speed.
- R: Toggle auto rotation of the object.
- T: Enable texture mode.
- SPACE: Change light color.
- ESCAPE: Quit.