A short demo of using the toolbox to migrate APIs between environments, such as pushing from dev to prod. Click the links in each header to go to the sections to learn more.
Note: This demo builds upon the work reviewed in the 3scale-toolbox-demo. It is recommended that you go through the steps in that demo prior to starting this one.
- Learn how to get the toolbox setup
- Create secret tokens for remote access
Querying remote 3scale instances
- Search for API products
- Get system-level API product information
- Export a complete API product
- Inspect the export file
- Import the file into another remote instance
- Using the toolbox directly send an API Product from one environment to another
While there are many advanced functions that the 3scale toolbox can do, one common one is the customization of the sandbox and production public base urls for API Products. Read about setting these values in Custom Endpoint URLs