Farser is a parsing library centered around DRG formulas created by 3M HIS Clinical and Economic Research. A DRG formula can be thought of as a simple set of boolean logic that is applied to a "mask".
There are two main components to Farser
- The Lexer - creates tokens from a String representation of a DRG formula
- The Descent Parser - creates an Abstract Syntax Tree of boolean logic from the lexer tokens.
The main lexer is the DrgFormulaLexer
- this lexer will convert a DRG formula to a list of lexer
tokens (see example below)
DRG Formula: A | (~PFX:someValue & ~otherValue) & aFunction(param1, param2)
Processing this as DRG formula
List<DrgLexerToken> lexed = DrgFormulaLexer.lex("... your formula ...");
will result in a list of DrgLexerToken
with the following:
, value = "A"DrgFormulaToken.OR
, value = "|"DrgFormulaToken.LPAREN
, value = "("DrgFormulaToken.NOT
, value = "~"DrgFormulaToken.ATOM
, value = "someValue", prefix = "PFX"DrgFormulaToken.AND
, value = "&"DrgFormulaToken.NOT
, value = "~"DrgFormulaToken.ATOM
, value = "otherValue"DrgFormulaToken.RPAREN
, value = ")"DrgFormulaToken.AND
, value = "&"DrgFormulaToken.ATOM
, value = "aFunction"DrgFormulaToken.LPAREN
, value = "("DrgFormulaToken.ATOM
, value = "param1"DrgFormulaToken.COMMA
, value = ","DrgFormulaToken.ATOM
, value = "param2"DrgFormulaToken.RPAREN
, value = ")"
The lexer tokens on their own do not provide much utility, however combined with other logic can be very useful.
- with the lexed tokens it is much easier to programmatically determine the order of operations (or nesting of parentheses).
- if you are uninterested in certain parts of the DRG formula you can ignore certain token types and only extract the information you are interested in.
- you can save the tokens to a database rather than the DRG formula string, this enables better, more advanced querying possibilities.
- you can build an AST using the lexer tokens and "evaluate" the formula (See Descent Parser)
All tokens are defined in DrgFormulaToken
- "(" - Left parenthesis
- ")" - Right parenthesis
- "&" - Logical and
- "|" - Logical or
- "~" - Logical not
- ATOM - Anything that is not a token symbol from above
Lex with DrgFormulaLexer.lex
In addition to splitting a DRG formula into tokens, DrgLexerToken
also supports a prefix for any ATOM tokens.
If it finds a string separated by a colon ":" it splits this into a value, and a
prefix (e.g. "PFX:val" is split into prefix "PFX" and value "val").
The Descent Parser can take a ListIterator
of type DrgFormulaToken
s and build an Abstract
Syntax Tree, which can then be used to "evaluate" the expression against a list of operands. The
AST contains the boolean logic of the formula and can evaluate a given list of operands to see
if the operands would evaluate to true or false.
The descent parser contains boolean logic that is applied to the operands of a formula, to be more flexible, the descent parser take a generic type argument for the type of operand. This is the type that will be used in the terminal nodes to determine if the outcome of the boolean logic.
DescentParser<String> parser = new DescentParser<>(lexerTokens.listIterator(),
new StringOperandSupplier(), suppliers);
The above will use String
objects in the terminal nodes of the AST for the boolean logic
DescentParser<CustomTestOperand> parser = new DescentParser<>(lexerTokens.listIterator(),
new CustomOperandSupplier(), customOperandSuppliers);
The above will use CustomOperand
objects in the terminal nodes of the AST for the boolean
logic evaluation.
Terminal nodes are the nodes of the tree that do not have any children, in which case, a boolean
expression must be evaluated and then return true or false. Farser provide a very simple
which simple checks the that the provided operands contains a value.
public boolean evaluate(List<T> values, Set<T> accumulator) {
boolean contains = values.contains(this.value);
if (contains) {
return contains;
The above is rather simple and won't fit all use cases. In the event you need something more specific
you can implement the BooleanExpression
interface and provide an implementation for the
The descent parser must be given the instructions for how to create terminal nodes. This is done
using Java suppliers
. A default node supplier must be given the Descent parser, in the absence of
specialty suppliers, the default supplier will be used to create a terminal node.
Speciality suppliers can be provided using a Map. When a terminal node is reached, the parser first checks for a special supplier for the token, if one is found, it will use the special supplier to create the terminal node. This is how users can "supply" their own nodes to the parser.
A supplier for the AST must adhere to the NodeSupplier
interface and provide an implementation of
the BooleanExpression<R> createNode(T token);
method, where T
is the token type and R
is the
type of object to be used in the terminal nodes BooleanExpression
(must match the generic type of
the DescentParser). Using this interface you can use any object in the terminal nodes
of the AST for a given token type.
private class StringOperandSupplier implements NodeSupplier<DrgLexerToken, String> {
public BooleanExpression<String> createNode(DrgLexerToken token) {
return new ContainsNode<>(token.value);
The above NodeSuplier
creates a BooleanExpression
of the concrete type ContainsNode
. The
contains node will simply evaluate where a certain String is present in the list that is passed
to the evaluate
private class CustomOperandSupplier implements NodeSupplier<DrgLexerToken, CustomTestOperand> {
public BooleanExpression<CustomTestOperand> createNode(DrgLexerToken token) {
return new ContainsNode<>(
new CustomTestOperand(token.getValue(), token.getPrefix().orElse("NOT_NEEDED")));
List<DrgLexerToken> lexerTokens = DrgFormulaLexer.lex("A | C");
DescentParser<CustomTestOperand> parser = new DescentParser<>(lexerTokens.listIterator(),
new CustomOperandSupplier(), new HashMap<>());
DrgSyntaxTree<CustomTestOperand> ast = parser.buildExpressionTree();
List<CustomTestOperand> mask = Collections.singletonList(new CustomTestOperand("A", "NOT_NEEDED"));
ExpressionResult<CustomTestOperand> evaluation = ast.evaluateExpression(mask);
The return type from DrgSyntaxTree#evaluateExpression
is an ExpressionResult
. This class has
two methods
- whether the boolean logic in the AST was satisfied with the list of operands provided- 'getMatches' - the set of matched operands, which of the objects from the list of operands were used to satisfy the boolean logic of the AST.
Users can query the expression result after the AST has been evaluated.
The following diagrams are a visual representation of the AST after it was parsed by the descent parser.
The following diagrams are a visual representation of how the AST would be evaluated given the mask (list of operands).
Creator: Mike Funaro
Core Contributors: Mike Funaro & Thomas Naeff