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Barracks Function (in Eden & Zeus)

Saborknight edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 12 revisions

In Zeus:

There are two ways to add a Barracks Function to objects:

  1. Using a module in the the right menu's Modules >> 2BNB Modules
  2. Using ZEN's context menu, when you select or hover over one or more objects, right click, and select either "Add Barracks Functions", or one of it's child menu items

Use the context menu, or use the module. It's all your choice

Using the Module

In the Zeus interface, under the "2BNB Modules", add the module "Add Barracks Functions" to an object (usually an ammobox or a vehicle), or just on to the floor.

Once you add the module, you will decide what functions the arsenal should have.

If the module was not placed on an object, then the first dropdown in the dialogue will allow you to select an object to spawn. Otherwise, this dropdown is hidden. By default it lists a regular supply crate, and a Huron container.

The second dropdown menu lets you choose between a handful of predefined arsenal filters. During standard operations, the "Standard" option should be used to apply the proper filter to the arsenal. There are other filters too, such as "West", "East" or "Full" (Full meaning unfiltered).

Lastly, there are two checkboxes that are self explanatory. One of them is for adding a full heal function to the object and the other is for adding a spectator function. Both of these players can access via ACE interact menu. These are both unticked by default.

Add Barracks Functions module

In Eden:

Similar to the Zeus method, the Barracks Functions module appears in Eden the same way. Under "2BNB Modules" you will place down a Barracks Function module, preferably close to the arsenals. Double click it and you will have a menu Option appear with the following:

You will see the list of Options that the Zeus/Mission Maker can alter easily being the following:

  • Arsenal
  • Arsenal Filter
  • Full Heal
  • Spectator

Arsenal Filter is a dropdown menu consisting of five options:

  1. Standard > This is the default loadout restrictions (set by the main server)
  2. West > This makes all Western weaponry/gear available (set by main server)
  3. East > This makes all Eastern weaponry/gear available (set by main server)
  4. Independent > This makes all independent weaponry/gear available (set by main server)
  5. Mission > This makes whatever the mission maker chooses to be available (set in "Addon Options" -> "2BNB Arsenal" -> "Arsenal Whitelists" -> "Mission", read more about it here)

Finally, sync the Barracks function to the Arsenals and they will be good to go once the map is loaded on the server.

The Arsenals will not work with the module when testing it locally due to most Mission Makers not having the "2BNB Framework" mod that Admins will have primary use of. Instead, what you will see is a hint pop up saying "No virtual item available". This can be safely ignored.

If in doubt, upload or ask for your PBO to be uploaded onto the server and test it there.