Backwards-incompatible change to be included in a major version release
Pull requests that update Javascript code
This issue can be fixed by updating documentation, and does not require programming.
This issue describes an item that requires writing code, and likely the related documentation.
This pull request is ready to be looked at by any team member (especially those tagged as reviewers)
The issue cannot be implemented without additional research.
Changes which seek to improve performance
Pull requests that update Ruby code
Issues needing accessibility
Issues needing development
Issues needing javascript
Issues needing ux process
Issues needing visual elements / components
This issue has already been reported elsewhere.
A proposed change shelved for reconsideration in the future
This issue describes a problem that has been determined to not be a problem.
This issue is describing a problem that needs to be fixed.
Requests for new components
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Requests that enhance an existing component or feature
Requests for non-component needs
Issues concerning design system operations
This issue is a question.