The online banking system can be accessed via a computer with internet access without going to the bank branch. It is a backend application made and covers many banking transactions. There are 4 basic services provided to customers.
- Customer Management
- Account Management
- Card Management
- Transfer Management
- Java 17
- Spring Boot
- Hibernate
- PostgresSql
- Docker
- Junit Test
- Integration Test
- Spring Security
- Lombok
- Swagger v3
git clone
$ craete database 'norma' in postgresql
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run
git clone
$ mvn clean install
$ docker build -t engbank:0.0.1 .
$ cd ./compose
$ docker-compose up
- Sign-up
- Update user information
- Delete user
- Login
- Logout
- Create a checkin account
- Detailed view of the account activities of the checking account
- Detailed view of the account activities of the checking account with filter( date range)
- Create a saving account
- Detailed view of the account activities of the saving account
- Detailed view of the account activities of the saving account with filter( date range)
- Saving money (interest) with a maturity given from a savings account (made with schehuled)
- Create a debit card
- Create a credit card
- shopping, depositing and withdrawing with a debit card
- Shopping with credit card
- view the current debt and remaining debts of the credit card from the previous extract
- Detailed view of the account activities of the credit card account
- transfer money between accounts
- Making transfers via iban and email method
- Instant money transfer between different types currency of accounts at the current exchange rate
/postman-collections You can import the postman collections from the directory and test the endpoints.