This is a series of snippets I had initially created while simultaneously learning to script in MS-Access.
While many other tools would be much better at dealing with what many of these snippets do, some employees are only given what is already around to work with. This repository is the result of a guy who learned to program with C#, was introduced to MS-Access, and wept in sorrow (and, luckily, was given free-reign over the code itself at the end of the job so long as no classified stuff was leaked. This code is mine except where noted (and if you think otherwise, provide a link to the code you think isn't mine and I'll update credits accordingly)).
Includes some error-handling utilities and simplification tools, utilities to implement those tools, helper-classes, and so-on. All files must be imported into an MS-Access project for any of them to work.
Still going through files for a PII-check and making sure stuff does what is necessary, but ultimately this repo will be uploaded in a completed (but slightly buggy) state.