Interested in technologies that make people convenient.
Adapt swiftly to new technologies.
- 2013.02~2019.02 Gachon Univ.
- 2022.01~2022.12 SAMSUNG Software Academy For Youth(SSAFY) 7th Seoul Campus - Java track
- 2023.06~2023.08 KAKAO Tech Campus Backend mentor
- 2022.10~11
워치아웃(Watch OuT)
- Main: Frontend, Sub: Infra, Deployment, Backend
- Spring Boot / Firebase / Kotlin / Flutter(Android)
- 2nd Prize in SSAFY Seoul Campus
- UCC Special Prize
- 2022.08~10
- Main: Backend, Infra, Sub: Frontend, Deployment
- Spring Boot / MySQL / Fast API / Flutter(Android)
- 2nd Prize in SSAFY Seoul Campus
- UCC 1st Prize
- 2022.07~08
- Main: Frontend, WebRTC / Sub: Backend
- React.js / Spring Boot / MySQL
- 1st Prize in SSAFY Seoul Campus
- UCC Special Prize