- PIC18F452 microcontroller.
- LM35 temperature sensos.
- DC motor.
- LM016 LCD for displaying temperature and motor speed.
The motor's speed is adjusted based on the temperature measured by the LM35 sensor.
- Microcontroller: PIC18F452
- Compiler: C18
- Simulator : Proteus
- Temperature Sensor: LM35
- Motor Type: DC Motor
- LCD Display: LM016 (16x2)
This system monitors the ambient temperature using the LM35 temperature sensor. Based on the measured temperature, it controls the speed of a DC motor as follows:
1)-Temperature Range 40°C < T ≤ 150°C: The DC motor runs at high speed.
2)-Temperature Range 25°C < T ≤ 40°C: The DC motor runs at medium speed.
3)-Temperature ≤ 25°C: The DC motor is turned off.
This project is for learning and haven't yet implemented in real hardware but it works and give good results in proteus simulator(check @video).