SessionMessage is an core library for Modal dialog/StatusBar notifications.
Some of the features of SessionMessage are:
- Support modal dialog blocking notification and StatusBar non-blocking notification
- Support cross page notification
- Support Ajax request notification
- Options of display position, display timeout, animation effect,etc.
Install-Package SessionMessage.UI
- Call the followings in Startup:
* services.AddMvc(options=> { options.Filters.Add(typeof(AjaxMessagesActionFilter)); });
* services.AddSessionMessage();
- Inject ISessionMessageManager and call ISessionMessageManager.SetMessage(MessageType.Info, MessageBehaviors.StatusBar, "your notification message") when you want to display message; Subscribe to Modal Dialog close event by providing javascript to "closeCallback" parameter;
- Use it on your page;
* Add @addTagHelper *, SessionMessage.UI to _ViewImports.cshtml
* Add reference to jquery/jqury UI/toastr;
* Insert <sessionmessage /> after reference to jquery/jqury UI/toastr;
All source code is licensed under MIT license -