In order to contribute to this repository you need to fork it, then you can create a pull request.
To add, remove, or change things on the list: Submit a pull request
List items should be sorted alphabetically.
Each item should be limited to one link.
The link should have an author if known
At least 3 items are needed to create a new category.
Linters checks should be successful
Please contribute links to resources you have used or are familiar with. This will help ensure high-quality entries.
If you removed our PR template you can find it here.
To make sure every PR is checked, we have team maintainers. Every PR should be reviewed by at least two maintainers before it can get merged if the team is not outnumbered.
The maintainers will review your PR and notify you and tag it in case any information is still missing. You can also apply to become a maintainer by submitting a PR.
Please open an issue if you would like to discuss anything that could be improved or have suggestions for making the list a more valuable resource.
Thank you for your suggestions!