The firmware of this project fits really tight into the flash of Daisy Patch SM. With anything newer than Rust 1.63.0, it just won't fit. Before working with this project, please make sure to install needed Rust toolchains:
rustup toolchain install 1.63.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf --toolchain 1.63.0
cargo +1.63.0 install cargo-binutils
rustup +1.63.0 component add llvm-tools-preview
Run formatting, linter and unit tests:
Check firmware size:
cargo size -- -m
cargo size -- -A
cargo bloat --release -n 50
Analyze the call stack:
cargo +nightly call-stack --bin achordion-eurorack >
dot -Tsvg > cg.svg
firefox cg.svg
Flash using ST-Link:
cd eurorack
openocd &
cargo run --release
Flash using DFU:
make flash
cargo bench --bench bench
rm -f target/release/deps/bench-*
rm -f callgrind.out.*
RUSTFLAGS="-g" cargo bench --bench bench --no-run
BENCH=$(find target/release/deps -type f -executable -name 'bench-*')
valgrind \
--tool=callgrind \
--dump-instr=yes \
--collect-jumps=yes \
--simulate-cache=yes \
${BENCH} --bench --profile-time 10 ${TEST}
kcachegrind callgrind.out.*
Build the manual. Find built PDFs under manual/user
and manual/build
make manual
And more under hack/
and in the Makefile
I extensivelly use to deal with the matters listed in the title, and to prepare project for manufacture.
Bandlimiting is available with two different filtering algorithms - fast fourier
transform (FFT) removing high frequency bins and state variable filter (SVF).
While FFT provides crips clean and very sharp sound, SVF goes little harder on
filtering and leaves slighly more muted, but warmer sound. Preferred algorithm
can be selected through a feature in Cargo.toml
of both Eurorack and Pure Data