This solution will deploy Start VM On Connect. The feature allows stopped / deallocated VMs to be started on demand when an end user requests a session host from their assigned application group using the AVD client. For more details, see the Microsoft Learn page for this feature: Start VM On Connect.
- Permissions: below are the minimum required permissions to deploy this solution.
- User Access Administrator on the target Subscription
- Desktop Virtualization Host Pool Contributor on the resource group containing the target host pool
- Resources: this solution assumes a host pool already exists in the target subscription.
New-AzDeployment `
-Location '<Azure location>' `
-TemplateFile '' `
-AvdObjectId '<Object ID for the AVD / WVD application in Microsoft Entra ID>' `
-HostPoolResourceId '<Resource ID for the target host pool>' `
az deployment sub create \
--location '<Azure location>' \
--template-uri '' \
--parameters \
AvdObjectId '<Object ID for the AVD / WVD application in Microsoft Entra ID>' \
HostPoolResourceId '<Resource ID for the target host pool>'