KT-NET (Knowledge and Text fusion NET) is a machine reading comprehension (MRC) model which integrates knowledge from knowledge bases (KBs) into pre-trained contextualized representations. The model is proposed in ACL2019 paper Enhancing Pre-Trained Language Representations with Rich Knowledge for Machine Reading Comprehension. The overall architecture of the model is shown as follows:
Overall Architecture of KT-NET
This repository contains the PaddlePaddle implementation of KT-NET. The trained checkpoints are also provided for reproducing the results in the paper.
This project should work fine if the following requirements have been satisfied:
- python >= 3.7
- paddlepaddle-gpu (the latest develop version is recommended)
- NLTK >= 3.3 (with WordNet 3.0)
- tqdm
- CoreNLP (3.8.0 version is recommended)
- pycorenlp
- CUDA, CuDNN and NCCL (CUDA 9.0, CuDNN v7 and NCCL 2.3.7 are recommended)
All of the experiments in the paper are performed on 4 P40 GPUs.
In this work, we empirically evaluate our model on two benchmarks:
ReCoRD (Reading Comprehension with Commonsense Reasoning Dataset) is a large-scale MRC dataset requiring commonsense reasoning. The official dataset in JSON format can be downloaded using Google drive (training set: link, valid set: link). (For convenience, we have provided the MD5 for each downloadable file of this readme in downloaded_files.md5
. It's recommended to use it to check the completeness of the downloaded file.) Please place the downloaded files train.json
and dev.json
into the data/ReCoRD/
directory of this repository. We will also use the official evaluation script of ReCoRD, so please run the following command:
curl -o record_official_evaluate.py https://sheng-z.github.io/ReCoRD-explorer/evaluation.py
mv record_official_evaluate.py reading_comprehension/src/eval/
SQuAD v1.1 is a well-known extractive MRC dataset that consists of questions created by crowdworkers for Wikipedia articles. Please run the following command to download the official dataset and evaluation script.
curl -O https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD-explorer/dataset/train-v1.1.json
curl -O https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD-explorer/dataset/dev-v1.1.json
mv train-v1.1.json dev-v1.1.json data/SQuAD/
curl -o squad_v1_official_evaluate.py https://worksheets.codalab.org/rest/bundles/0xbcd57bee090b421c982906709c8c27e1/contents/blob/
mv squad_v1_official_evaluate.py reading_comprehension/src/eval/
Relevant knowledge should be retrieved and encoded before training the model. In this project, we leveraged two KBs: WordNet and NELL. WordNet records lexical relations between words and NELL stores beliefs about entities. The following procedure describes how we retrieve relevant WordNet synsets and NELL concepts for MRC samples.
To retrieve NELL concepts about entities, the named entity mentions in MRC samples should be annotated. For ReCoRD, the entity mentions have been provided in the dataset. For SQuAD, named entity recognition (NER) needs to be performed before the retrieval. We use Stanford CoreNLP in this step. After CoreNLP is downloaded and unzipped, run the following command at the CoreNLP directory to start the CoreNLP server:
java -mx10g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9753 -timeout 20000
Then run the command:
cd retrieve_concepts/ner_tagging_squad
python3 tagging.py
The tagged dataset will be saved at retrieve_concepts/ner_tagging_squad/output
directory. We have provided our output files for convenience (download link).
Tokenization should be performed for retrieval. We use the same tokenizer with BERT. For ReCoRD, run the following command to tokenize the raw dataset (or directly download our output from link):
cd retrieve_concepts/tokenization_record
python3 do_tokenization.py
For SQuAD, run the following command to process the NER tagged dataset (or directly download our output from link):
cd retrieve_concepts/tokenization_squad
python3 do_tokenization.py
This step retrieves the WordNet (WN18) synsets for each non-stop word in the MRC samples. For ReCoRD, run the command:
cd retrieve_concepts/retrieve_wordnet
python3 retrieve.py --train_token ../tokenization_record/tokens/train.tokenization.uncased.data --eval_token ../tokenization_record/tokens/dev.tokenization.uncased.data --output_dir output_record/ --no_stopwords
For SQuAD, run the command:
cd retrieve_concepts/retrieve_wordnet
python3 retrieve.py --train_token ../tokenization_squad/tokens/train.tokenization.uncased.data --eval_token ../tokenization_squad/tokens/dev.tokenization.uncased.data --output_dir output_squad/ --no_stopwords
The outputs are pickled into binary files. We have also provided our output files for convenience (download link).
Using string mapping, this step finds corresponding named entities for each entity mention in the given MRC example and returns their categories as relevant NELL concepts. The latest NELL beliefs should be downloaded first.
wget http://rtw.ml.cmu.edu/resources/results/08m/NELL.08m.1115.esv.csv.gz
gzip -d NELL.08m.1115.esv.csv.gz
mv NELL.08m.1115.esv.csv retrieve_concepts/retrieve_nell
For ReCoRD, run the command:
cd retrieve_concepts/retrieve_nell
python3 retrieve.py --train_token ../tokenization_record/tokens/train.tokenization.uncased.data --eval_token ../tokenization_record/tokens/dev.tokenization.uncased.data --output_dir output_record/
For SQuAD, run the command:
cd retrieve_concepts/retrieve_nell
python3 retrieve.py --train_token ../tokenization_squad/tokens/train.tokenization.uncased.data --eval_token ../tokenization_squad/tokens/dev.tokenization.uncased.data --output_dir output_squad/
The outputs are pickled into binary files. The output files can also be downloaded from download link.
Following the work of Yang et al., 2015, we leverage their KB embedding for WordNet synsets and NELL categories trained by the BILINEAR model.
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bishanyang/kblstm/master/embeddings/wn_concept2vec.txt
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bishanyang/kblstm/master/embeddings/nell_concept2vec.txt
mv wn_concept2vec.txt nell_concept2vec.txt retrieve_concepts/KB_embeddings
The 100-dimensional embeddings are stored in the following format:
concept:coach -0.123886 0.0477016 0.517474 0.154645 0.32559 ...
For other knowledge bases, please refer to the source code for training the BILINEAR model from Yang's github repo.
The text encoder module of KT-NET is initialized with pretrained BERT large-cased parameters, run the command:
cd reading_comprehension
wget https://bert-models.bj.bcebos.com/cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
tar xvf cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16.tar.gz
We have provided scripts to execute training and inference for KT-NET. To train a model for ReCoRD dataset with both WordNet and NELL concepts employed, just run the command:
cd reading_comprehension && sh ./run_record_twomemory.sh
The hyper-parameters, such as training epochs, learning rate and batch size, can be adjusted in the script. After training and evaluation, the following files and directories will be created:
: the performance of the trained model on the benchmarkoutput/predictions.json
: the predicted answers for the development setoutput/nbest_predictions.json
: n-best predicted answers for the development setoutput/step_XXXX
: the directory of model checkpointlog/train.log
: the logging file
To run with single KB, replace run_record_twomemory.sh
with run_record_wordnet.sh
or run_record_nell.sh
Similarly, for SQuAD, use run_squad_twomemory.sh
, run_squad_wordnet.sh
or run_squad_nell.sh
In our experiments, we found that employing a "two-staged" training strategy achieves better model performance, which freezes BERT params in the first stage and unfreezes them later. We recommend to adopt this strategy to train KT-NET. To run two-staged fine-tuning, just first execute the XXX_pretrain.sh
script and then run XXX_finetune.sh
. E.g., to train a KT-NET on ReCoRD with both KBs, firstly run
cd reading_comprehension && sh ./run_record_twomemory_pretrain.sh
and then run the command after the first stage has been finished
sh ./run_record_twomemory_finetune.sh
The finally created output/
and log/
directories have the same folder structure with directly fine-tuning.
In the first stage, we trained 10 epochs for ReCoRD and 1 epoch for SQuAD. As for the second stage, we recommend to fine-tune 2-4 epochs for ReCoRD and 2-3 epochs for SQuAD.
We have released the following checkpoints for our trained KT-NET which can reproduce the performance in the paper:
ReCoRD Model | F1 score | Exact Match | Inference Script |
KT-NET (WordNet) | 72.76 | 70.56 | eval_record_wordnet.sh |
KT-NET (NELL) | 72.52 | 70.54 | eval_record_nell.sh |
KT-NET (Both) | 73.62 | 71.60 | eval_record_twomemory.sh |
SQuAD Model | F1 score | Exact Match | Inference Script |
KT-NET (WordNet) | 91.70 | 85.16 | eval_squad_wordnet.sh |
KT-NET (NELL) | 91.70 | 85.02 | eval_squad_nell.sh |
KT-NET (Both) | 91.65 | 84.97 | eval_squad_twomemory.sh |
After downloading and extracting the checkpoint file, please execute the corresponding inference script. E.g.:
cd reading_comprehension && sh ./eval_record_twomemory.sh extracted_ckpt_dir_path
The following result is expected to be created in the output/
"exact_match": 71.61,
"f1": 73.62396522806482
If you use any source code included in this project in your work, please cite the following paper:
title = {Enhancing Pre-Trained Language Representations with Rich Knowledge for Machine Reading Comprehension},
author = {An Yang, Quan Wang, Jing Liu, Kai Liu, Yajuan Lyu, Hua Wu, Qiaoqiao She and Sujian Li},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
pages = {2346--2357},
Copyright 2019 Baidu.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.