March 2023 Archive Back to README date paper code 2303.16407 lmda-net:a lightweight multi-dimensional attention network for general eeg-based brain-computer interface paradigms and interpretability braindecode 2303.16797 a framework for control channels applied to reconfigurable intelligent surfaces ris-control 2303.13381 cosys-airsim: a real-time simulation framework expanded for complex industrial applications Cosys-AirSim 2303.14003 transthoracic super-resolution ultrasound localisation microscopy of myocardial vasculature in patients srussoftware 2303.15588 square root {lasso}: well-posedness, lipschitz stability and the tuning trade off srlasso_revolutions 2303.15407 dimensionality collapse: optimal measurement selection for low-error infinite-horizon forecasting naumer_dimensionality_2022.jl 2303.12479 distributed two-tier drl framework for cell-free network: association, beamforming and power allocation dhdrl 2303.12763 localization-based ofdm framework for ris-aided systems ris-ofdm-loca-scheduling 2303.11427 learning model-free robust precoding for cooperative multibeam satellite communications 2302_learning_beamforming_code 2303.10934 emc2-net: joint equalization and modulation classification based on constellation network emc2net 2303.11103 sionna rt: differentiable ray tracing for radio propagation modeling diff-rt 2303.02475 synthetic ecg signal generation using probabilistic diffusion models augmentation-of-ecg-training-dataset-with-cgan 2303.09395 text-to-ecg: 12-lead electrocardiogram synthesis conditioned on clinical text reports text_to_ecg 2303.09530 tackling clutter in radar data -- label generation and detection using pointnet++ clutter-ds 2303.07821 self-attention for enhanced oamp detection in mimo systems self_attention_oamp_mimo 2303.06376 assessing gender fairness in eeg-based machine learning detection of parkinson's disease: a multi-center study multicentric-ml-parkinson-detection 2303.06640 challenges facing the explainability of age prediction models: case study for two modalities challenges-xai-aging-aaai23 2303.05798 sliced-wasserstein on symmetric positive definite matrices for m/eeg signals Sliced-Wasserstein_on_Symmetric_Positive_Definite_Matrices 2303.06068 eeg synthetic data generation using probabilistic diffusion models eeg-diffusion-pytorch 2303.05043 invertible kernel pca with random fourier features invertible_kernel_PCA 2303.05228 a classification of s-boxes generated by orthogonal cellular automata orthogonal-ca-sboxes 2303.05237 statistical mechanics of the maximum-average submatrix problem Maximum-Average-Submatrix 2303.04450 nonlinear kalman filtering with reparametrization gradients nonkf_energy_minimization 2303.03678 a comparative study of deep learning and iterative algorithms for joint channel estimation and signal detection mimo_jcesd 2303.03858 a switching gaussian process latent force model for the identification of mechanical systems with a discontinuous nonlinearity switching-gplfm 2303.02157 a stochastic approximate expectation-maximization for structure determination directly from cryo-em micrographs stochastic-approximate-em-for-cryo-em 2303.02408 data-driven method for generating synthetic electrogastrogram time series syegg 2303.02475 synthetic ecg signal generation using probabilistic diffusion models augmentation-of-ecg-training-dataset-with-cgan 2303.02988 searching for effective neural network architectures for heart murmur detection from phonocardiogram cinc2022 2303.02165 deepmad: mathematical architecture design for deep convolutional neural network lightweight-neural-architecture-search 2303.02598 on probabilistic qam shaping for 5g mimo wireless channel with realistic ldpc codes on-probabilistic-qam-shaping-for-5g-mimo-wireless-channel-with-realistic-ldpc-codes 2303.03106 rotation invariant quantization for model compression riq 2303.01770 quantized radio map estimation using tensor and deep generative models Quantized-Radio-Map-Estimation-BTD-and-DGM 2303.00832 distributed adaptive norm estimation for blind system identification in wireless sensor networks icassp2023-adapt-dist-avg 2303.00986 pay less but get more: a dual-attention-based channel estimation network for massive mimo systems with low-density pilots dacen 2303.00844 the greedy side of the lasso: new algorithms for weighted sparse recovery via loss function-based orthogonal matching pursuit greedy_lasso_womp 2303.00596 information plane analysis for dropout neural networks ip_dropout