December 2022 Archive Back to README date paper code 2212.13477 clock and orientation-robust simultaneous radio localization and mapping at millimeter wave bands castro-5g 2212.13890 ecg-based electrolyte prediction: evaluating regression and probabilistic methods ecg-electrolyte-regression 2212.12998 link-level simulator for 5g localization 5G_Positioning_Link_Level_Simulator%20v1.0.rar 2212.12191 deep unfolding-based weighted averaging for federated learning under heterogeneous environments deepunfolding-based-fl 2212.11594 electromagnetic based communication model for dynamic metasurface antennas dma_model 2212.10567 anticancer peptides classification using kernel sparse representation classifier acp-kernel-src 2212.09019 fast fullsubnet: accelerate full-band and sub-band fusion model for single-channel speech enhancement FullSubNet 2212.08558 simulating road spray effects in automotive lidar sensor models reflection_based_lidar_object_model 2212.07816 duidd: deep-unfolded interleaved detection and decoding for mimo wireless systems duidd 2212.07230 network coding: an optimization approach network_codes 2212.02164 spectral efficiency analysis of uplink-downlink decoupled access in c-v2x networks Spectral-Efficiency-Analysis-of-Uplink-Downlink-Decoupled-Access-in-C-V2X-Networks 2212.05104 max filtering with reflection groups reflection-groups 2212.04936 deep conv-attention model for diagnosing left bundle branch block from 12-lead electrocardiograms dilated_conv_attention.ipynb 2212.04175 greeneyes: an air quality evaluating model based on wavenet AirEvaluation 2212.04223 vicious classifiers: data reconstruction attack at inference time vicious-classifiers 2212.03329 enhancing low-density eeg-based brain-computer interfaces with similarity-keeping knowledge distillation eeg-kd 2212.01421 signal enhancement for two-dimensional cryo-em data processing cryoemsignalenhancement 2212.01816 joint graph learning from gaussian observations in the presence of hidden nodes hidden_joint_gaussian_inf 2212.02164 spectral efficiency analysis of uplink-downlink decoupled access in c-v2x networks Spectral-Efficiency-Analysis-of-Uplink-Downlink-Decoupled-Access-in-C-V2X-Networks 2212.02417 node-wise domain adaptation based on transferable attention for recognizing road rage via eeg dataandcode 2212.01572 approximate message passing for multi-layer estimation in rotationally invariant models ML-RI-GAMP 2212.00973 a domain-knowledge-inspired music embedding space and a novel attention mechanism for symbolic music modeling fundamentalmusicembedding 2212.01209 fecam: frequency enhanced channel attention mechanism for time series forecasting fecam 2212.01309 wigner distribution deconvolution adaptation for live ptychography reconstruction livewdd 2212.00710 fully on-board low-power localization with multizone time-of-flight sensors on nano-uavs Matrix_ToF_Drones 2212.00724 swl-adapt: an unsupervised domain adaptation model with sample weight learning for cross-user wearable human activity recognition SWL-Adapt