- home/
- home/data/
- home/data/test.sens (Download from: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzZxe82vq9VMWkotSEUwZklnMG8)
- home/project/
- home/project/CosegProj/
- home/thirdparty/ (Download from: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzZxe82vq9VMSHpXQ2dtUW5zMk0)
- Visual Studio 2013 (64 bit!)
- Cuda 8.0
- glm
- Eigen
- OpenCV
- pangolin
- Canon SDK
- Ceres-Solver
- glut
- glew
- glfw
- SuiteSparse
- uvatlas (for textures)
- If you need additional library, put it in thirdparty.
- Please make sure that you add the include and lib path in "All Configurations" with a relative path $(SolutionDir)../../thirdparty/XXX
- In Linker->input, add debug and release lib name for debug and release mode respectively
- In Build Events->Post Build Events, add copy "*.dll" "$(OutDir)" for debug and release mode respectively
- For each component, create a new folder in home/project/CosegProj/, and put all relavant files in that folder.
- Add a filter (same name) in VSProj, include all related files
- test_sens, load and use sens file
- test_plane, a simple demo of plane detection
- pixel = intrinsic * camera2world.inv() * Pos3D_world
- RGB and depth are well registered (same camera2world).
- Frame sizes of RGB and Depth are not guaranteed to be the same (therefore different intrinsic).