diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d15fb1c212..09ee501183 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ This repository generates LivePerson's Developers' Community, which can be found All pages on the site correspond to a Markdown file (.md) which can be found inside `/documents/pages`. To update a file, please branch off of the `master` branch, edit the file in question and create a Pull Request **back to the master branch**. There's no need for the old Development branch, so please don't create pull requests to it. +#### Environments + +* Production (built from the `master` branch): [https://developers.liveperson.com/](https://developers.liveperson.com/) + +* Staging (built from the `Staging` branch): [https://developers.liveperson.com.staging-vdt2zeq-jlynhjefjcpgg.us.platform.sh/](https://developers.liveperson.com.staging-vdt2zeq-jlynhjefjcpgg.us.platform.sh/) + + #### Updating/Creating Headers Jekyll uses a [front-matter](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/) to arrange and define the various documents in the site. This is the text which appears in between the "---" at the top of each document. It's technically a YAML snippet, so all [YAML formatting](http://www.yamllint.com/) and rules apply to it. Our headers are usually comprised of the following key/value pairs: diff --git a/pages/documents/DeveloperTools/FaaS/Developing/debugger.md b/pages/documents/DeveloperTools/FaaS/Developing/debugger.md index 98b8cf7d90..03c75b47ca 100644 --- a/pages/documents/DeveloperTools/FaaS/Developing/debugger.md +++ b/pages/documents/DeveloperTools/FaaS/Developing/debugger.md @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The debugging interface consists of three main parts: LivePerson Functions Debugger Button Restart Stop and Restart debug execution
-LivePerson Functions Debugger Button StopStop the debug execution
+LivePerson Functions Debugger Button Stop Stop the debug execution
### Debugger States diff --git a/pages/documents/WebsiteMonitoring/MonitoringAPI/methods/engagement.md b/pages/documents/WebsiteMonitoring/MonitoringAPI/methods/engagement.md index 3b5dcf7bd4..284e44d863 100644 --- a/pages/documents/WebsiteMonitoring/MonitoringAPI/methods/engagement.md +++ b/pages/documents/WebsiteMonitoring/MonitoringAPI/methods/engagement.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Use this method to access the LivePerson monitoring system in order to retrieve | Method | URL | | :--- | :--- | -|POST|https://[{domain}](/agent-domain-domain-api.html)/api/account/{account-id}/app/{app-installation-id}/engagement?v={api-version}&vid={visitor-id}&sid={session-id} | +|POST|https://[{domain}](/agent-domain-domain-api.html)/api/account/{account-id}/app/{app-installation-id}/engagement?v={api-version}&vid={visitor-id}&sid={session-id}&obh=false | ### Path Parameters @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Use this method to access the LivePerson monitoring system in order to retrieve | v | API version number | double | Required | Supported Value: 1.0, 1.1 | | vid | Visitor Id | String | Optional | Must be saved in order to reuse for future requests in the same visit | | sid | Session Id | String | Optional on first request, otherwise required | Will be provided by the server-side in a 201 (CREATED) response for this specific consumer and device and should be set by the client-side on all the subsequent requests to the server | +| obh | is On Behalf | Boolean | Optional | possible values: true/ false (the default is `false`). This parameter can be used (by passing `true`) to let LP servers know that this request is on behalf of the visitor (and not coming from the visitor himself), so the servers should NOT update the visitor Geo-location meta-data according to this request IP | ### Body Parameters diff --git a/pages/documents/WebsiteMonitoring/MonitoringAPI/methods/report.md b/pages/documents/WebsiteMonitoring/MonitoringAPI/methods/report.md index 940a539691..ddab4bda3b 100644 --- a/pages/documents/WebsiteMonitoring/MonitoringAPI/methods/report.md +++ b/pages/documents/WebsiteMonitoring/MonitoringAPI/methods/report.md @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ As engagement attributes are considered unauthenticated, it should not be used f | Method | URL | | :--- | :--- | -|PUT|https://[{domain}](/agent-domain-domain-api.html)/api/account/{account-id}/app/{app-installation-id}/report?v={api-version}&vid={visitor-id}&sid={session-id} | +|PUT|https://[{domain}](/agent-domain-domain-api.html)/api/account/{account-id}/app/{app-installation-id}/report?v={api-version}&vid={visitor-id}&sid={session-id}&obh=false | ### Path Parameters @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ As engagement attributes are considered unauthenticated, it should not be used f | v | API version number | double | Required | Supported Value: 1.0, 1.1 | | vid | Visitor Id | String | Optional on first request, otherwise required | If session doesn't exist, a new session will be generated and sent by the server | | sid | Session Id | String | Optional on first request, otherwise required | Will be provided by the server-side in a 201(CREATED) response for this specific consumer and device and should be set by the client-side on all the subsequent requests to the server | +| obh | is On Behalf | Boolean | Optional | possible values: true/ false (the default is `false`). This parameter can be used (by passing `true`) to let LP servers know that this request is on behalf of the visitor (and not coming from the visitor himself), so the servers should NOT update the visitor Geo-location meta-data according to this request IP | ### Body Parameters