Utility for renaming photo files with easy to organize file names.
- Multiple file name formats to choose from
- Long - minimize file name collisions by including camera serial number in the file name
- Short - date and file number combined in a short file name that allows for long descriptions
- Info - encoded and original date and file number, sortable by camera serial number
- Canon - return image files to the original file name assigned by Canon cameras
- Allows for manual entry of the camera serial number in when it can not be obtained from the image file
- Organizing files to subdirectories based on extension
- Batch adding desciption suffix to file names
- Logging script execution to user data directory
Basic usage moving CR2 files to a subdirectory and renaming in the long format:
photo_rename -f long -o CR2
Get the description of available options
photo_rename --man
See http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html
sudo apt install perl-doc
cpan arybase DateTime File::HomeDir Image::ExifTool Log::Log4perl Math::Fleximal Time::Piece Term::ProgressBar Digest::SHA1
sudo apt install libperl-dev
cpan PAR::Packer
pp -o photo_rename(.exe) photo_rename.pl
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