There are two steps for training your own model with ZeroVL.
- Preparing training data.
- Modifying experiment configurations for your environment.
The training and validation data should be placed in the "data" folder, and the expected structure is as followed:
│ │ train_anno.csv
│ │ valid_anno.csv (optional)
│ └───train
│ | │ train_image_1.jpg
│ | │ train_image_2.jpg
│ | │ ...
| |
| └───valid (optional)
│ │ valid_image_1.jpg
│ │ valid_image_2.jpg
│ │ ...
│ │ train_anno.csv
│ │ valid_anno.csv (optional)
│ └───train
│ | │ train_image_1.jpg
│ | │ train_image_2.jpg
│ | │ ...
| |
| └───valid (optional)
│ │ valid_image_1.jpg
│ │ valid_image_2.jpg
│ │ ...
Note that the "valid_anno.csv" file and "valid" folder are only necessary for validation datasets. If the data is placed in other folders, you should revise the 'data.data_path' in yaml configs.
A pre-training dataset folder should contain "train_anno.csv". If a dataset is used for both training and validation, the "valid_anno.csv" should be provided. With reading annotation csv files with pandas, the DataFrame should be like:
image image_id caption caption_id
0 289333.jpg 289333 A plate filled with pasta covered in sauce. 27429
1 220152.jpg 220152 Two skiers prepare to travel down the slope 167876
2 513351.jpg 513351 A computer mouse and pad with a cup of coffee. 225618
3 366379.jpg 366379 Snowboarder on top of his board overtop of snow. 763508
4 366599.jpg 366599 A skate boarder practicing his tricks on the r... 721012
... ... ... ... ...
585304 462037.jpg 462037 Two girls playing video games using a wireless... 40920
585305 122335.jpg 122335 A young man standing in front of a TV. 205181
585306 254850.jpg 254850 Man leans his head forward while holding up Wi... 47085
585307 451803.jpg 451803 A keyboard, mouse, and mouse pad for a computer. 225270
585308 576212.jpg 576212 Two keyboards on a table connected to a comput... 237806
[585309 rows x 4 columns]
'image'[str]: image filenames.
'image_id'[int]: image ids for validation.
'caption'[str]: text annotations.
'caption_id'[int]: text ids for validation.
Note that an image might be coupled with N texts, and we repeatly save the image filenames and ids for N times for simple usage.
We use the PyYaml to modify configurations for better readability and interaction.
Considering that SBU, CC3M, MSCOCO and Flickr30K datasets are relatively easy to obatin, we choose these image-text datasets for pre-training and validation in our default config file. If there are 8 V100 GPUs and the pre-training datasets (SBU and CC3M) and validation datasets (MSCOCO and Flickr30K) are ready, you could run the following scripts for pre-training on 'SBU and CC3M' and zero-shot validation on 'COCO and F30K':
python3 --task=clip --nproc_per_node=8 --exp_name=your_exp_name --cfg=./configs/clip/zerovl_dga.yaml
This configuration enables all heuristics mentioned in the paper. Otherwise, you should read the following parts and revise the experiment configuration according to your requirements.
dir: ./output # the path for saving ckpts
step_interval: 2000 # save the model every 2000 steps for auto resume
exp_name: your_exp_name # experiment folder name for saving ckpts
train_name: [your_dataset_1, your_dataset_2, ...]
valid_name: [your_dataset_3, your_dataset_4, ...]
batch_size: 1024 # the total training batch size on all devices.
batch_size_val: 1024
train_transforms: [random_resize_crop, autoaug] # for training images
valid_transforms: [resize, center_crop] # for validation images
resize: # the specific parameter for resize
size: 256
center_crop: # the specific parameter for center_crop
size: 224
random_resize_crop: # the specific parameter for random_resize_crop
size: 224
scale: [0.6, 1.0]
name: timm_modelzoo # use any model provided in timm
tag: vit_base_patch16_224_in21k # use ViT-B/16 pre-trained on ImageNet-21K
embedding_dim: 768 # the dim of model's final output
pretrained: True
trainable: True
name: huggingface_modelzoo # use any model provided in huggingface
tag: bert-base-uncased # use Bert-Base provided by huggingface
embedding_dim: 768 # the dim of model's final output
pretrained: True
trainable: True
dim: 512 # 512-dim for calculating the NCE loss
name: NCE
name: torch.optim.AdamW
betas: !!python/tuple [0.9, 0.98]
eps: 1.0e-6
weight_decay: 0.001
name: cosine_schedule_with_warmup_min_lr_scale
init: 1.0e-4
warmup_proportion: 0.025
num_cycles: 0.5
min_lr_scale: 0.1
The following are essential components proposed in our paper.
train_type: debias # choose from [shuffle, sequential, debias]
name: MixUpNCE # MixUpNCE will enable the coin flipping mixup
beta: 0.1 # the beta for mixup calculation.
If you want to disable coin flipping mixup, you should change to NCE.
name: clip_bsgs # we implement an independent runner for DGA
stable_random: step # for stable training
batch_size: 16384 # the effective batchsize can be increased to 16384
batch_size_train: 1024 # batch size for each sub-iteration
batch_size_val: 1024
If you want to disable DGA, you should change data.batch_size to a small value (e.g., 1024 and 512).
gather_backward: True # False will stop the gradient of gathered embeddings
It is highly recommended to manage your experiments with Wandb. Wandb can be regarded as a cloud version tensorboard. Similar to tensorboard, each experiment and its yaml config will be automatically logged by this library. Besides, Wandb will automatically draw various curves for the experiment.
After installing and configuring Wandb, you need to revise the following parameters:
enable: True
project: your_proj
entity: your_entity
Then, our codebase will automatically upload training logs to your Wandb workspace.