There are two steps for evaluating pretrained ZeroVL model.
- Preparing eval data and downloading pre-trained checkpoints.
- Modifying experiment configurations for your environment.
The training and validation data should be placed in the "data" folder, and the expected structure is as followed:
│ │ valid_anno.csv
| └───valid
│ │ valid_image_1.jpg
│ │ valid_image_2.jpg
│ │ ...
│ │ valid_anno.csv
| └───valid (optional)
│ │ valid_image_1.jpg
│ │ valid_image_2.jpg
│ │ ...
Note that the "valid_anno.csv" file and "valid" folder are necessary for validation datasets. If the data is placed in other folders, you should revise the 'data.data_path' in yaml configs.
The "valid_anno.csv" should be provided. With reading annotation csv files with pandas, the DataFrame should be like:
image image_id caption caption_id
0 289333.jpg 289333 A plate filled with pasta covered in sauce. 27429
1 220152.jpg 220152 Two skiers prepare to travel down the slope 167876
2 513351.jpg 513351 A computer mouse and pad with a cup of coffee. 225618
3 366379.jpg 366379 Snowboarder on top of his board overtop of snow. 763508
4 366599.jpg 366599 A skate boarder practicing his tricks on the r... 721012
... ... ... ... ...
585304 462037.jpg 462037 Two girls playing video games using a wireless... 40920
585305 122335.jpg 122335 A young man standing in front of a TV. 205181
585306 254850.jpg 254850 Man leans his head forward while holding up Wi... 47085
585307 451803.jpg 451803 A keyboard, mouse, and mouse pad for a computer. 225270
585308 576212.jpg 576212 Two keyboards on a table connected to a comput... 237806
[585309 rows x 4 columns]
'image'[str]: image filenames.
'image_id'[int]: image ids for validation.
'caption'[str]: text annotations.
'caption_id'[int]: text ids for validation.
Note that an image might be coupled with N texts, and we repeatly save the image filenames and ids for N times for simple usage.
Download checkpoints to the 'ckpts' folder:
If checkpints, MSCOCO and Flickr30K datasets are ready, you could run the following scripts for evaluating zero-shot image-text retrieval on 'COCO and F30K' with 14M data pre-trained model:
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=4 \
tools/ \
--ckpt_path=${path_to_14m_ckpt} \
For evaluation with 100M data pre-trained model:
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=4 \
tools/ \
--ckpt_path=${path_to_100m_ckpt} \
We set the number of GPUs to 4 for fast evaluation, and it could be revised if necessary. If you want to evaluate on other datasets, modify the 'data.valid_name' in yaml file accordingly.