diff --git a/content/help/guides/nih/contents.lr b/content/help/guides/nih/contents.lr index 4f200b3..ae906ed 100644 --- a/content/help/guides/nih/contents.lr +++ b/content/help/guides/nih/contents.lr @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ _model: docspage --- -_hidden: true +_hidden: false --- title: NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan Guidance --- diff --git a/content/help/guides/nih/element1/contents.lr b/content/help/guides/nih/element1/contents.lr index a350b22..362181e 100644 --- a/content/help/guides/nih/element1/contents.lr +++ b/content/help/guides/nih/element1/contents.lr @@ -14,16 +14,14 @@ All research outputs of any file format are accepted in Zenodo. In the upload fo #### NIH-specific guidance on Element 1: Data Types -1.A: Summarize the types, format, and estimated amount of scientific data expected to be generated in the project +**1.A:** Summarize the types, format, and estimated amount of scientific data expected to be generated in the project -1.B: Describe which scientific data from the project will be preserved and shared and provide the rationale for this decision. Describe the aggregation and processing levels of the data to be shared. +**1.B:** Describe which scientific data from the project will be preserved and shared and provide the rationale for this decision. Describe the aggregation and processing levels of the data to be shared. -1.C: Briefly list the metadata, other relevant data, and any associated documentation (e.g., study protocols and data collection instruments) that will be made accessible to facilitate interpretation of the scientific data. - -#### Sample text +**1.C:** Briefly list the metadata, other relevant data, and any associated documentation (e.g., study protocols and data collection instruments) that will be made accessible to facilitate interpretation of the scientific data. !!! info - **Section 1.C** …. In addition to the deposited data files, a data dictionary describing variables will be deposited as a supporting documentation file in the same Zenodo record. These materials will be described with elements of the robust and FAIR DataCite metadata schema, on which Zenodo’s deposit page fields are based. + **Sample text (adjust to your situation)** …. In addition to the deposited data files, a data dictionary describing variables will be deposited as a supporting documentation file in the same Zenodo record. These materials will be described with elements of the robust and FAIR [DataCite metadata schema](https://support.datacite.org/docs/datacite-metadata-schema-44), on which Zenodo’s deposit page fields are based. --- docs: diff --git a/content/help/guides/nih/element2/contents.lr b/content/help/guides/nih/element2/contents.lr index 628fc21..38072de 100644 --- a/content/help/guides/nih/element2/contents.lr +++ b/content/help/guides/nih/element2/contents.lr @@ -8,10 +8,17 @@ menu: /help/guides/nih --- body: +#### Background + +Software and code deposits are encouraged in Zenodo. Zenodo also supports GitHub integration and archiving of GitHub repositories that have been used to generate software and analysis code for research studies. Please see the [Zenodo documentation](../../../docs/) for more information as well as [GitHub documentation](https://docs.gi.thub.com/en/repositories/archiving-a-github-repository/referencing-and-citing-content). + + +#### NIH-specific guidance on Element 2: Related Tools, Software and/or Code + +**2.A:** State whether specialized tools, software, and/or code are needed to access or manipulate shared scientific data, and if so, provide the name(s) of the needed tool(s) and software and specify how they can be accessed. + +!!! info + **Zenodo note:** The software that has been used to collect, analyze, and otherwise manipulate the data can be described in the Description field of the dataset’s deposit record. In addition, you may create a Zenodo record specifically for the software, and it can be linked to your data record using the Related Identifiers fields on the deposit form.See [describing records](../../../docs/deposit/describe-records/) for further information. + --- docs: - -#### docsheader #### -text: Overview ----- -ref: overview diff --git a/content/help/guides/nih/element3/contents.lr b/content/help/guides/nih/element3/contents.lr index f7b987c..52a5a19 100644 --- a/content/help/guides/nih/element3/contents.lr +++ b/content/help/guides/nih/element3/contents.lr @@ -8,10 +8,16 @@ menu: /help/guides/nih --- body: +#### Background + +Commonly accepted scientific data and metadata standards will differ discipline-by-discipline. Though by no means exhaustive, the following lists of standards may be relevant for NIH-funded projects: [NIH Common Data Elements](https://cde.nlm.nih.gov/home), [CDISC](https://www.cdisc.org/standards), [LOINC](https://www.regenstrief.org/centers/loinc/), and a wealth of standards searchable at [FAIRsharing.org](https://fairsharing.org/search?fairsharingRegistry=Standard). Verify that the standards you employ are both widely accepted in your field and currently maintained by their governing bodies. + +#### NIH-specific guidance on Element 3: Standards + +**3.A:** State what common data standards will be applied to the scientific data and associated metadata to enable interoperability of datasets and resources, and provide the name(s) of the data standards that will be applied and describe how these data standards will be applied to the scientific data generated by the research proposed in your project. If applicable, indicate that no consensus standards exist. + +!!! info + **Zenodo note:** The DataCite metadata standard employed in Zenodo is a standard for the dataset’s metadata, or, the deposit form information which describes the deposited data. This standard is not a substitute for discipline-specific metadata standards as mentioned in the background above. These standards may be described in your deposit record’s Description field. + --- docs: - -#### docsheader #### -text: Overview ----- -ref: overview diff --git a/content/help/guides/nih/element4/contents.lr b/content/help/guides/nih/element4/contents.lr index 43dcd81..7fe7687 100644 --- a/content/help/guides/nih/element4/contents.lr +++ b/content/help/guides/nih/element4/contents.lr @@ -8,10 +8,26 @@ menu: /help/guides/nih --- body: +#### Background + +For all datasets that you and your collaborators have agreed to deposit to a public, generalist repository, and which are either non-sensitive in nature or fully anonymized, Zenodo will serve your data preservation needs. It is the depositor’s responsibility to anonymize datasets / remove sensitive personal data (see FAQs, [How does Zenodo handle sensitive datasets?](../../../faq/)). Zenodo supports long-term preservation of your data deposits, as the repository is projected to be maintained for the lifetime of the host laboratory CERN, defined as at least the next twenty years (see Zenodo’s [Policies](https://about.zenodo.org/policies/)). + +Embargoes may be employed for datasets that you wish to make available after a certain date, such as when the associated publication is made public. [Creative Commons Attribution](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode) licenses may be assigned to deposited datasets. + +#### NIH-specific guidance on Element 4: Data Preservation, Access, and Associated Timelines + +**4.A**: List Zenodo.org as the repository where your scientific data and metadata arising from the project will be archived. Note: Zenodo may be employed in combination with deposits to other repositories (e.g., in a case where subsets of data needing access controls might be deposited to an NIH-sponsored repository, while other subsets that are safe to make publicly available may be deposited in Zenodo). + +**4.B**: Describe how the scientific data will be findable and identifiable, i.e., via a persistent unique identifier or other standard indexing tools. + +!!! info + **Sample text for section 4.B:** ... In accordance with the FAIR principles, Zenodo follows the standard of issuing a DOI (digital object identifier) for all deposited datasets, as well as any related materials. This unique persistent identifier makes the data permanently Findable, Identifiable, and retrievable on the web. + +**4.C**: Describe when the scientific data will be made available to other users (i.e., no later than time of an associated publication or end of the performance period, whichever comes first) and for how long data will be available. + +!!! info + **Zenodo note:** Zenodo’s features meet the primary [Desirable Characteristics for All Data Repositories](https://sharing.nih.gov/data-management-and-sharing-policy/sharing-scientific-data/selecting-a-data-repository#desirable-characteristics-for-all-data-repositories) outlined by the NIH, which denote repositories appropriate for sharing scientific data. These include issuing a unique persistent identifier (DOI), provenance, and long-term sustainability. In section 4.C, you may mention that data will be made available in a timely and compliant manner through the use of an Embargo (e.g., a deposited dataset can be embargoed in Zenodo until it is made Open Access to coincide with the availability of the first associated publication). + + --- docs: - -#### docsheader #### -text: Overview ----- -ref: overview diff --git a/content/help/guides/nih/element5/contents.lr b/content/help/guides/nih/element5/contents.lr index 47a5e8a..ad09853 100644 --- a/content/help/guides/nih/element5/contents.lr +++ b/content/help/guides/nih/element5/contents.lr @@ -8,10 +8,28 @@ menu: /help/guides/nih --- body: +#### Background + +Zenodo encourages Open Access deposits, but is cognizant of the fact that not all data deposits can be fully Open Access. Open Access data deposits and metadata records are fully visible and available to the public, and appear as uploads on the website’s front page. Restricted/Closed Access uploads are not visible on the front page, but are still discoverable through any communities in which they are included, via the DOI, and through search queries. Data depositors control whether their deposits and records are Open Access, Restricted/Closed Access, or Embargoed. + +Licenses in Zenodo empower depositors to outline the ways in which downloads of their materials may be used. Users are responsible for monitoring subsequent uses of their materials. All metadata (e.g., the descriptive metadata comprising the non-file portions of a Zenodo record) is licensed CC0 (public domain), and can be exported and harvested via the OAI-PMH protocol. See the [Terms of Use](https://about.zenodo.org/terms/) and [Policies](https://about.zenodo.org/policies/) for more details on users’ rights and responsibilities with regard to access and re-use of their data. + +#### NIH-specific guidance on Element + +**5.A:** Describe any factors affecting subsequent access, distribution, and reuse of scientific data. These factors can include characteristics of the study’s informed consents, privacy and confidentiality issues, issues arising from data use agreements or patent concerns, etc. See [NIH’s Justifiable reasons for limiting sharing of data](https://sharing.nih.gov/faqs#/data-management-and-sharing-policy.htm?anchor=56549). + +!!! info + **Suggestions for section 5.A:** Describe how your study’s informed consent process ensures that participants fully understand that their data may be used for projects beyond the current one. Outline the license under which the deposited data will be available. + +**5.B:** State whether access to the scientific data will be controlled. + +!!! info + **Zenodo note:** Zenodo does not offer differing levels of access to its records and deposits based on authentication. Records are either fully Open Access, Restricted/Closed, or Embargoed (which become fully Open Access after a period determined by the user). Only deposit to Zenodo datasets, or subsets of your datasets, that you intend to make available through full Open Access. + +**5.C:** Describe how privacy, rights, and confidentiality of human research participants will be protected (if applicable). + +!!! info + **Zenodo note:** A primary method of protection of the privacy of research subjects is anonymization (de-identification). Zenodo offers no anonymization service. Each user is responsible for anonymization of their own data, and should carefully consider whether an [NIH-sponsored repository](https://sharing.nih.gov/data-management-and-sharing-policy/sharing-scientific-data/repositories-for-sharing-scientific-data) or other repository with multiple levels of data access controls might be more appropriate for data that originated from or contains/ed sensitive personal data. Likewise, Zenodo offers no user agreements or certificates and brokers no data use agreements between primary and secondary users of data. Zenodo’s default model is full Open Access to all data deposits. + --- docs: - -#### docsheader #### -text: Overview ----- -ref: overview diff --git a/content/help/guides/nih/element6/contents.lr b/content/help/guides/nih/element6/contents.lr index d80d2b7..e91b4f1 100644 --- a/content/help/guides/nih/element6/contents.lr +++ b/content/help/guides/nih/element6/contents.lr @@ -8,10 +8,24 @@ menu: /help/guides/nih --- body: +#### Background + +Oversight of the daily work of data management and sharing is the responsibility of the institution that originates and/or analyses, manipulates, and processes the data. In most studies and organizations, the responsible party is the principal investigator. In certain institutions, the office of research or other organizational bodies may also assist in this process. Check your organization’s data management or compliance webpages to be sure. Zenodo assumes no responsibility for oversight of data management and sharing. + +#### NIH-specific guidance on Element 6: Oversight of Data Management and Sharing + +**6.A:** Describe how compliance with this Plan will be monitored and managed, frequency of oversight, and by whom at your institution (e.g., titles, roles). + +!!! info + **Zenodo note:** Zenodo should not be listed as responsible for data management and sharing oversight on NIH DMSPs. Curation services may be needed as part of daily data management and sharing work, and is highly recommended for datasets you are considering depositing to this or any other repository. + +Curation costs may be included as part of your grant. See the [NIH Supplement: Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing](https://grants-nih-gov.ezproxy.galter.northwestern.edu/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-21-015.html), as well as the following data management budgeting and cost estimators: + +- National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine's (NASEM) guide: [Forecasting Costs of Biomedical Data Preservation: A User Guide for Biomedical Researchers](https://nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/25639/Researcher_User_Guide_Biomedical_Data.pdf), as well as the NASEM's Ad Hoc Committee for [Forecasting Costs for Preserving, Archiving, and Promoting Access to Biomedical Data](https://www.nationalacademies.org/our-work/forecasting-costs-for-preserving-archiving-and-promoting-access-to-biomedical-data), whose products include: + - Report: [Life-Cycle Decisions for Biomedical Data: The Challenge of Forecasting Costs](https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/25639/life-cycle-decisions-for-biomedical-data-the-challenge-of-forecasting) + - [Cost Drivers Workbook](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Fwww.nap.edu*2Fresource*2F25639*2FCost_Driver_Template_Word_0715.doc&data=05*7C01*7Cddc*40list.pitt.edu*7C02beed79f7ce489d8ca808da47d91bf5*7C9ef9f489e0a04eeb87cc3a526112fd0d*7C1*7C0*7C637901295058036645*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=GvjJav4DHwCjlvcFT5vA5DaNVUlRdeh6UM6vnuzvhCk*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!Dq0X2DkFhyF93HkjWTBQKhk!UtyYOPnzVPd1Aje9uQd8GL7_wudsTel9-0sn59Rp9by4O4QCYxzMQa8LoeER78197OtrbZlXBGAGZAkbDARaeCw$) (and related [quick video](https://vimeo.com/444647256)) + - [User Guide for Biomedical Researchers](https://nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/25639/Researcher_User_Guide_Biomedical_Data.pdf) +- NIMH Data Archive's [Data Submission Cost Estimation Tool](https://s3.amazonaws.com/stage.nimhda.org/Documents/NDA_Data_Submission_Cost_Estimation_Tool.xlsx) (a spreadsheet that can be adapted for any project's data management costs) + --- docs: - -#### docsheader #### -text: Overview ----- -ref: overview