Prometheusmetrics is the Prometheus driver for go-metrics-plus. It collects metrics from a go-metrics-plus registry and periodically pushes them to a Prometheus registry (a type of the Go Prometheus library). The registry can then be exposed to a prometheus instance via an HTTP route (using the prometheus scraper) or via a push-gateway - the decision is implementation-specific.
Please note that if your sole intent is to integrate your application's metrics with Prometheus (and you're not planning on integrating with other programs), then the Go Prometheus Library may be better suited to your needs. It offers the same metric types as Go-metrics-plus, but with better performance and its own native statistical calculations - whereas go-metrics-plus is forced to expose everything as a gauge.
import (
pmetrics ""
// Create Prometheus registry.
r := prometheus.NewRegistry()
// Create go-metrics-plus driver.
driver, err := pmetrics.New(metrics.DefaultRegistry, 1*time.Second,
"namespace", "subsystem", r)
// Or... create driver with custom config.
driver, err := pmetrics.NewWithConfig(prmetrics.Config{
// ...
}, r)
if err != nil {
// ...
// Flush every 1 second.
go pr.Run()
// Expose metrics to prometheus scraper on /metrics route.
http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.HandlerFor(r, promhttp.HandlerOpts{Registry: r}))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
import (
prmetrics ""
func ExamplePrometheus() {
// Register some metrics.
metrics.GetOrRegisterTimer("myTimer", nil, nil).Update(time.Second)
metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("myCounter", nil, nil).Inc(50)
metrics.GetOrRegisterMeter("myMeter", nil, nil).Mark(10)
// Create prometheus driver.
r := prometheus.NewRegistry()
pr, err := prmetrics.New(metrics.DefaultRegistry, time.Second,
"namespace", "subsystem", r)
if err != nil {
// Flush every 1 second.pp
go pr.Run()
// Expose metrics to prometheus scraper on /metrics route.
http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.HandlerFor(r, promhttp.HandlerOpts{Registry: r}))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))