As you lean to program, manipulating collections is incredibly important. Complete the short challenges below. Try to come up with two different approaches to solve each problem.
You have age data for a group of people:
data = [
['Frank', 33],
['Stacy', 15],
['Juan', 24],
['Dom', 32],
['Steve', 24],
['Jill', 24]
- Level 1: Write code that'll output the names (and only the names) in order by ascending age
- Level 2: Output the name with the age, like
Juan (24)
- Level 3: If there are multiple people tied with the same age, put them in alphabetical order
- Level 4: Write code to automatically build a hash with the age as the key and
an array of names as the value (all the people who are that age). e.g.
{24 => ['Juan', 'Steve', 'Jill']...}
You have 2 hashes, one which maps state names to state abbreviations, and one which maps state abbreviations to their capital:
states = {"Oregon" => "OR",
"Alabama" => "AL",
"New Jersey" => "NJ",
"Colorado" => "CO"}
capitals = {"OR" => "Salem",
"AL" => "Montgomery",
"NJ" => "Trenton",
"CO" => "Denver"}
- Level 1: Write some code which given a state name ("Oregon") outputs its capital ("Salem")
- Level 2: Handle the case when a state's information is not known by returning "Unknown"
- Level 3: Now let's go the other way. Given a capital name ("Denver"), return the state name for which it is the capital ("Colorado")
Start with this hash:
scores = {
"A"=>1, "B"=>3, "C"=>3, "D"=>2,
"E"=>1, "F"=>4, "G"=>2, "H"=>4,
"I"=>1, "J"=>8, "K"=>5, "L"=>1,
"M"=>3, "N"=>1, "O"=>1, "P"=>3,
"Q"=>10, "R"=>1, "S"=>1, "T"=>1,
"U"=>1, "V"=>4, "W"=>4, "X"=>8,
"Y"=>4, "Z"=>10
Write code to output the score for the letters in an array like this:
word = ['H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O']
# Your code here
Which, when run, outputs this:
H has the value 4
E has the value 1
L has the value 1
L has the value 1
O has the value 1
Write code to output the score for the letters in a string like this:
word = "hello"
# Your code here
Which, when run, outputs this:
H has the value 4
E has the value 1
L has the value 1
L has the value 1
O has the value 1
Write code to output the total score for a string like this:
word = "hello"
# Your code here
Which, when run, outputs this:
hello has the total score 8