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HTTPInterceptor: intercepting http/https request

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The project is calling apple private api, in order to intercept the WKWebView sent to the network request, but the api signature has been encoded in Base64, in order to prevent apple static scanning and inspection, so there is a certain risk, please reasonable use, the most secure or in the Debug, the development of the use. 🙏🙏


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About HTTPInterceptor

新: 我为HTTPInterceptor新增了 Mock Data 的功能,API 非常简单清晰,使用非常方便。 支持 Swift,Objective 调用接口。 I've added Mock Data functionality to Interceptor, and the API is simple and clear. It's very easy to use.

HTTPInterceptor 是一个iOS网络请求拦截器,它可以拦截基于URLSessionNSURLConnection发出的HTTP(s)请求。 对于已经使用过URLProtocol的项目来说,如果HTTPInterceptor和其他URLProtocol Handle的URL一样,就要看注入的先后顺序。

  1. 你可以使用它去拦截一个特定的request,然后返回一个新的request,意味着你可以改变它访问的目标地址和参数等等。
  2. 你可以使用它去拦截一个特定的request,然后返回一个新的URLResponseData,意味着你可以返回一个自定义Response,比如Mock数据等操作。
  3. 你可以使用它去拦截一个特定的request,然后返回一个URLSessionTaskMetrics,意味着你可以得到这个Request创建的请求Task的性能指标,比如创建Task,DNSLookup,Establish链接,各项指标,用于数据上报等。

HTTPInterceptor is an iOS network request interceptor that intercepts HTTP(s) requests made by URLSession and NSURLConnection.

  1. You can intercept a specific request and return a new one.
  2. It can intercept a specific request and return a specific response and data.
  3. It can also intercept a specific request and callback the URLSessionTaskMetrics object.

About WKWebView

HTTPInterceptor 虽然可以拦截WKWebView中的网络请求,但是却无法得到POST请求的HTTPBody。 因为去拦截WKWebView中的网络请求,HTTPInterceptor 使用了苹果私有API,这是不安全的,也是不应该的,但是如果你是Debug下使用它,这就另当别论了。

关于如何得到,WKWebView中POST请求的HTTPBody,我看了一些文章。 例如: WKWebView注入JS脚本,JS脚本Hook所有的XHRFetch网络请求,然后再通过Native和Web通信通道,比如在WK容器中,JS使用alert方法,prompt方法,都可以将JS侧的内容发送给Native,Native解析传来的内容,解析出类名,方法签名,参数等等,在Runtime下创建对象调用去保存,等等。

可以看到的是这样的逻辑实在有些麻烦,而且需要考虑的东西非常多,因为你是Hook了JS的请求入口,这是一个block操作,稍有不慎就会给H5带来线上灾难,而且全部是因为要拿一个HTTPBody,所以我认为这是非常不值得的, 为了程序的鲁棒性也不应该使用这样的实现。

Fetching HTTPBody using HTTPInterceptor is not supported.

About Name

The HttpInterceptor name is taken by someone else, so use BestHttpInterceptor.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

一,Mock Data (Mock数据)


import BestHttpInterceptor

// Mock URL
let jsonURL: URL = URL(string: "")!
let pngURL: URL = URL(string: "")!
let jpgURL: URL = URL(string: "")!
let gifURL: URL = URL(string: "")!
let htmlURL: URL = URL(string: "")!
let pdfURL: URL = URL(string: "")!
let URLS: [URL] = [jsonURL,pngURL,jpgURL,gifURL,htmlURL,pdfURL]

class MockerTemplateViewController: UIViewController {
    var interceptor: HttpInterceptor!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    deinit {
        // 不再使用的时候,记得注销interceptor
        print("MockerTemplateViewController deinit")
    func registerInterceptor() {
        // 拦截你想要的URL,根据URLRequest参数,给这个回调返回一个Bool值。
        let condition = HttpIntercepCondition.init(schemeType: .all) { (request) -> Bool in
            if let url = request.url, URLS.contains(url) {
                return true
            return false
        interceptor = HttpInterceptor(condition: condition, mockerDelegate: self)
    func doTask() {
        // 开始一个普通的网络请求,它的返回值,应该是你在Mocker代理里面返回的值。
        URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: jsonURL) { (data, response, error) in
            if let e = error {
            } else {
                let jsonStr = String(data: data!, encoding: .utf8)
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.contentLabel.text = jsonStr

2.实现 HttpMockerDelegate 代理

extension MockerTemplateViewController: HttpMockerDelegate {
    // 根据拦截到的URLRequest,返回本地假数据。
    func httpMocker(request: URLRequest) -> HttpMocker {
        guard let url = request.url else { fatalError() }
        switch url {
        case jsonURL:
            let jsonUrl = Bundle(for: MockerTemplateViewController.self).url(forResource: "mock_json", withExtension: "json")!
            let mocker = HttpMocker(dataType: .json, mockData:, statusCode: 200, httpVer: .http1_1)
            return mocker

二,Intercept Request (拦截请求)


import UIKit
import WebKit
import BestHttpInterceptor

class WKViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var webview: WKWebView!
    var interceptor: HttpInterceptor? = nil
    enum PathExtension: String {
        case gif = "gif"
        case png = "png"
        case jpeg = "jpeg"
        case svg = "svg"
        case jpg = "jpg"
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        title = "WKWebViewController"
        let url = URL(string: "")
        webview.load(URLRequest(url: url!))
    func registerInterceptor() {
        // 定义拦截条件,根据URLRequest参数来进行判断,是否需要拦截此Request,返回Bool告诉HTTPInterceptor。
        let condition = HttpIntercepCondition(schemeType: .all) { (request) -> Bool in
            // 拦截逻辑,这里是要拦截host带有ss和timgmb和结尾是 gif,jpeg,png,svg,jpg的Request。
            // 大家可以根据自己的需求来定义这个条件。
            guard let pathExtensionStr = request.url?.pathExtension,
                  let host = request.url?.host else {
                return false
            if host.contains("ss") || host.contains("timgmb") {
                return true
            let pathExtension = WKViewController.PathExtension(rawValue: pathExtensionStr)
            switch pathExtension {
            case .gif,.jpeg,.png,.svg,.jpg:
                return true
            case .none:
                return false
        interceptor = HttpInterceptor(condition: condition, interceptorDelegate: self)
        // 开始注册
    deinit {
        print("WKViewController deinit")
        // 取消注册

2.实现 HttpInterceptDelegate 代理

extension WKViewController: HttpInterceptDelegate {
    // Replace Request URL
    func httpRequest(request: URLRequest) -> URLRequest {
        // 将拦截到的Request,换成我们新的Request。 
        var newRequest = request
        newRequest.url = URL(string: "")!
        return newRequest


  • Create mocked data requests based on an URL
  • Supports popular frameworks like Alamofire
  • WKWebView, UIWebView, URLSession, URLConnection, all network http(s) requests can be intercepted.
  • Cannot intercept HTTPBody in WKWebView Post request.
  • Custom filter URLRequest.
  • Can intercept and replace URLRequest, URLResponse, Data.

Usage Swift

一,Mock Data (Mock数据)

1.Define intercept condition

let condition = HttpIntercepCondition(schemeType: .all) { (request) -> Bool in
    return true

2.New a interceptor instance

let interceptor = HttpInterceptor(condition: condition, mockerDelegate: self)

3.Start register


4.Cancel register


5.Implement HttpMockerDelegate delegate, callback to you

extension MockerTemplateViewController: HttpMockerDelegate {

    // 例子
    // Example
    func httpMocker(request: URLRequest) -> HttpMocker {
        let jsonUrl = Bundle(for: MockerTemplateViewController.self).url(forResource: "mock_json", withExtension: "json")!
        let mocker = HttpMocker(dataType: .json, mockData:, statusCode: 200, httpVer: .http1_1)
        return mocker

二,Intercept Request (拦截请求)

1.Define intercept condition

let condition = HttpIntercepCondition(schemeType: .all) { (request) -> Bool in
    return true

2.New a interceptor instance

let interceptor = HttpInterceptor(condition: condition, interceptorDelegate: self)

3.Start register


4.Cancel register


5.Implement HttpInterceptorDelegate delegate, callback to you

extension SomeClass: HttpInterceptDelegate {
    // Intercept http request then return a new request 
    func httpRequest(request: URLRequest) -> URLRequest {
        return request
    // Intercept http response then return a new response 
    func httpRequest(response: URLResponse) -> URLResponse {
        return response
    // Intercept http response data then return a new response data
    func httpRequest(request: URLRequest, data: Data) -> Data {
        return data
    // When the request is complete call this api
    func httpRequest(request: URLRequest, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
    func httpRequest(request: URLRequest, didFinishCollecting metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics) {

Usage Objective-C


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@import BestHttpInterceptor;


@interface OCTemplateViewController : UIViewController <HttpMockerDelegate,HttpInterceptDelegate>




#import "OCTemplateViewController.h"

@interface OCTemplateViewController ()

@property(nonatomic,strong) HttpInterceptor *interceptor;


@implementation OCTemplateViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // 这里只是做OC的调用,来检查 OC 是否可以编译通过。
    // 实际上,如果Interceptor 和 Mocker 同时拦截了一个Reuqest,只会回调给Mocker的代理。
    [self registerMocker];
    [self registerInterceptor];

- (void)dealloc
    [self.interceptor unregister];

// MARK: -- Interceptor
- (void)registerInterceptor {
    HttpIntercepCondition *condition = [[HttpIntercepCondition alloc] initWithSchemeType:InterceptSchemeTypeAll condition:^BOOL(NSURLRequest * request) {
        return YES;
    self.interceptor = [[HttpInterceptor alloc] initWithCondition:condition interceptorDelegate:self];
    [self.interceptor register];

- (NSURLRequest *)httpRequestWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
    NSLog(@"httpRequestWithRequest: request:");
    return request;

- (NSURLResponse *)httpRequestWithResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response {
    NSLog(@"httpRequestWithResponse: response:");
    return response;

- (NSData *)httpRequestWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request data:(NSData *)data {
    NSLog(@"httpRequestWithRequest: data:");
    return data;

- (void)httpRequestWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request didCompleteWithError:(NSError *)error {
    NSLog(@"httpRequestWithRequest: didCompleteWithError:");

- (void)httpRequestWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request didFinishCollecting:(NSURLSessionTaskMetrics *)metrics {
    NSLog(@"httpRequestWithRequest: didFinishCollecting:");

// MARK: -- Mocker
- (void)registerMocker {
    HttpIntercepCondition *condition = [[HttpIntercepCondition alloc] initWithSchemeType:InterceptSchemeTypeAll condition:^BOOL(NSURLRequest * request) {
        return YES;
    self.interceptor = [[HttpInterceptor alloc] initWithCondition:condition mockerDelegate:self];
    [self.interceptor register];

- (HttpMocker *)httpMockerWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
    return [[HttpMocker alloc] initWithDataType:HttpMockerDataTypeJson mockData:[NSData new] statusCode:200 httpVer:HttpMockerHttpTypeHttp1_1 headerFields:NULL];



iOS 10+


HttpInterceptor is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'BestHttpInterceptor', '1.1.0'

if you want use it with Debug

pod 'BestHttpInterceptor', '1.1.0', :configurations => ['Debug'] 




HttpInterceptor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.