title |
Let's Build Your Own Blockchain in Ruby (From Zero / Scratch) |
Crypto God? Ruby Ninja / Rockstar?
Yes, you can.
What's Blockchain?
It's a list (chain) of blocks linked and secured by digital fingerprints (also known as crypto hashes).
require "digest" # for hash checksum digest function SHA256
class Block
attr_reader :index
attr_reader :timestamp
attr_reader :data
attr_reader :previous_hash
attr_reader :hash
def initialize(index, data, previous_hash)
@index = index
@timestamp = Time.now
@data = data
@previous_hash = previous_hash
@hash = calc_hash
def calc_hash
sha = Digest::SHA256.new
sha.update( @index.to_s + @timestamp.to_s + @data + @previous_hash )
(Source: openblockchains/awesome-blockchains/blockchain.rb)
Yes, that's it.
Let's add two helpers (first
, next
) for building ("mining") blocks.
class Block
def self.first( data="Genesis" ) # create genesis (big bang! first) block
## uses index zero (0) and arbitrary previous_hash ("0")
Block.new( 0, data, "0" )
def self.next( previous, data="Transaction Data..." )
Block.new( previous.index+1, data, previous.hash )
end # class Block
(Source: openblockchains/awesome-blockchains/blockchain.rb)
Let's get started - build a blockchain a block at a time!
b0 = Block.first( "Genesis" )
b1 = Block.next( b0, "Transaction Data..." )
b2 = Block.next( b1, "Transaction Data......" )
b3 = Block.next( b2, "More Transaction Data..." )
blockchain = [b0, b1, b2, b3]
pp blockchain ## pp (pretty print to console)
Wait, so a blockchain is just a linked list?
No. A linked list is only required to have a reference to the previous element, a block must have an identifier depending on the previous block's identifier, meaning that you cannot replace a block without recomputing every single block that comes after. In this implementation that happens as the previous digest is input in the calc_hash method.
will log something like:
@index = 0,
@timestamp = 1637-09-15 20:52:38,
@data = "Genesis",
@previous_hash = "0",
@hash = "edbd4e11e69bc399a9ccd8faaea44fb27410fe8e3023bb9462450a0a9c4caa1b">,
@index = 1,
@timestamp = 1637-09-15 21:02:38,
@data = "Transaction Data...",
@previous_hash = "edbd4e11e69bc399a9ccd8faaea44fb27410fe8e3023bb9462450a0a9c4caa1b",
@hash = "eb8ecbf6d5870763ae246e37539d82e37052cb32f88bb8c59971f9978e437743">,
@index = 2,
@timestamp = 1637-09-15 21:12:38,
@data = "Transaction Data......",
@previous_hash = "eb8ecbf6d5870763ae246e37539d82e37052cb32f88bb8c59971f9978e437743",
@hash = "be50017ee4bbcb33844b3dc2b7c4e476d46569b5df5762d14ceba9355f0a85f4">,
Making (Hash) Mining a Lottery - Find the Lucky Number
def calc_hash
sha = Digest::SHA256.new
sha.update( @index.to_s + @timestamp.to_s + @data + @previous_hash )
The computer (node) in the blockchain network that computes the next block with a valid hash wins the lottery.
For adding a block to the chain you get a reward! You get 25 12.5 Bitcoin! (†)
Bitcoin adds a block every ten minutes.
(†) The reward gets halfed about every two years. In Sep'17 you'll get 12.5 Bitcoin.
Random SHA256 hash #1: c396de4c03ddb5275661982adc75ce5fc5905d2a2457d1266c74436c1f3c50f1
Random SHA256 hash #2: 493131e09c069645c82795c96e4715cea0f5558be514b5096d853a5b9899154a
Triva Q: What's SHA256?
- (A) Still Hacking Anyway
- (B) Secure Hash Algorithm
- (C) Sweet Home Austria
- (D) Super High Aperture
A: SHA256 == Secure Hash Algorithms 256 Bits
Trivia: Designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States of America (USA).
Secure == Random e.g. Change one Letter and the Hash will Change Completely
Making (Hash) Mining a Lottery - Find the Lucky Number
Find a hash that starts with ten leading zeros e.g.
Hard to compute! Easy to check / validate.
Making (Hash) Mining a Lottery
def compute_hash_with_proof_of_work( difficulty="00" )
nonce = 0
loop do
hash = calc_hash_with_nonce( nonce )
if hash.start_with?( difficulty )
return [nonce,hash] ## bingo! proof of work if hash starts with leading zeros (00)
nonce += 1 ## keep trying (and trying and trying)
def calc_hash_with_nonce( nonce=0 )
sha = Digest::SHA256.new
sha.update( nonce.to_s + @index.to_s + @timestamp.to_s + @data + @previous_hash )
(Source: awesome-blockchains/blockchain_with_proof_of_work.rb)
Let's rerun the sample with the proof of work machinery added. Now the sample will pretty print (pp) something like:
@index = 0,
@timestamp = 1637-09-20 20:13:38,
@data = "Genesis",
@previous_hash = "0",
@nonce = 242,
@hash = "00b8e77e27378f9aa0afbcea3a2882bb62f6663771dee053364beb1887e18bcf">,
@index = 1,
@timestamp = 1637-09-20 20:23:38,
@data = "Transaction Data...",
@previous_hash = "00b8e77e27378f9aa0afbcea3a2882bb62f6663771dee053364beb1887e18bcf",
@nonce = 46,
@hash = "00aae8d2e9387e13c71b33f8cd205d336ac250d2828011f5970062912985a9af">,
@index = 2,
@timestamp = 1637-09-20 20:33:38,
@data = "Transaction Data......",
@previous_hash = "00aae8d2e9387e13c71b33f8cd205d336ac250d2828011f5970062912985a9af",
@nonce = 350,
@hash = "00ea45e0f4683c3bec4364f349ee2b6816be0c9fd95cfd5ffcc6ed572c62f190">,
See the difference?
All hashes now start with leading zeros (00
and the nonce is the random "lucky number" that makes it happen.
That's the magic behind the proof of work.