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RankSim on STS-B-DIR

This repository contains the implementation of RankSim (ICML 2022) on STS-B-DIR dataset.

The imbalanced regression framework and LDS+FDS are based on the public repository of Yang et al., ICML 2021.

The blackbox combinatorial solver is based on the public repository of Vlastelica et al., ICLR 2020.



  1. Download GloVe word embeddings (840B tokens, 300D vectors) using
python glove/
  1. We use the standard file (./glue_data/STS-B) provided by Yang et al.(ICML 2021), which is used to set up balanced STS-B-DIR dataset. To reproduce the results in the paper, please directly use this file. If you want to try different balanced splits, you can delete the folder ./glue_data/STS-B and run
python glue_data/


The required dependencies for this task are quite different to other three tasks, so it's better to create a new environment for this task. If you use conda, you can create the environment and install dependencies using the following commands:

conda create -n sts python=3.6
conda activate sts
# PyTorch 0.4 (required) + Cuda 9.2
conda install pytorch=0.4.1 cuda92 -c pytorch
# other dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# The current latest "overrides" dependency installed along with allennlp 0.5.0 will now raise error. 
# We need to downgrade "overrides" version to 3.1.0
pip install overrides==3.1.0

Code Overview

Main Files

  • main training and evaluation script
  • download original STS-B dataset and create STS-B-DIR dataset with balanced val/test set

Main Arguments

  • --data_dir: data directory to place data and meta file
  • --val_interval: number of iterations between validation checks
  • --patience: patience (number of validation checks) for early stopping
  • --reweight: cost-sensitive re-weighting scheme to use
  • --loss: training loss type
  • --regularization_weight: gamma, weight of the regularization term (default 3e-4)
  • --interpolation_lambda: lambda, interpolation strength parameter(default 2.0)

Getting Started

1. Train baselines

To use Vanilla model

python --reweight none

To use frequency inverse (INV)

python --reweight inverse

To use LDS (Yang et al., ICML 2021) with originally reported hyperparameters

python  --reweight inverse --lds --lds_kernel gaussian --lds_ks 5 --lds_sigma 2

To use FDS (Yang et al., ICML 2021) with originally reported hyperparameters

python --fds --fds_kernel gaussian --fds_ks 5 --fds_sigma 2

2. Train a model with RankSim

python --regularization_weight=3e-4 --interpolation_lambda=2 

3. Train a model with RankSim and frequency inverse (INV)

python --regularization_weight=3e-4 --interpolation_lambda=2 --reweight inverse

4. Train a model with RankSim and different loss (by default $L1$ loss)

To use RankSim with Focal-R (MSE) loss

python --loss focal_mse --regularization_weight=3e-4 --interpolation_lambda=2 --reweight inverse

5. Train a model with RankSim and LDS

To use RankSim with Gaussian kernel

python --regularization_weight=3e-4 --interpolation_lambda=2 --reweight inverse --lds --lds_kernel gaussian --lds_ks 5 --lds_sigma 2 

6. Train a model with RankSim and FDS

To use RankSim with Gaussian kernel

python --regularization_weight=3e-4 --interpolation_lambda=2 --fds --fds_kernel gaussian --fds_ks 5 --fds_sigma 2  

7. Train a model with RankSim and LDS + FDS

To use RankSim with LDS and FDS

python --regularization_weight=3e-4 --interpolation_lambda=2 --reweight inverse --lds --lds_kernel gaussian --lds_ks 5 --lds_sigma 2 --fds --fds_kernel gaussian --fds_ks 5 --fds_sigma 2 

8. Evaluate and reproduce

If you do not train the model, you can evaluate the model and reproduce our results directly using the pretrained weights from the links below.

python [...evaluation model arguments...] --evaluate --eval_model <path_to_evaluation_ckpt>

9. Pretrained weights

Vanilla + RankSim, MSE Medium-shot 0.767, Pearson correlation 72.9 (best Medium-shot) (weights)

RRT + RankSim, MSE All 0.865, Pearson correlation All 77.1 (best All-shot); MSE Few-shot 0.670, Pearson correlation Few-shot 86.1 (best Few-shot) (weights)

FDS + RankSim, MSE Medium-shot 0.767 (weights)

INV + LDS + RankSim, MSE All 0.889, Pearson correlation All 76.2; MSE Medium-shot 0.849, Pearson correlation Few-shot 70.0; MSE All 0.690, Pearson correlation All 85.6 (weights)